    本文首先从技术上、经济上和操作上分析了裕麒达房产公司内部管理系统开发的可行性和系统流程,然后通过对企业房产信息、员工信息和购房信息等进行分析研究,为裕麒达公司设计并实现了一个基于Web技术的B/S模式的房产销售系统。通过这个系统平台,可以使楼房管理实现信息化、系统化和规范化,减少工作人员的工作量和成本。系统前台主要使用的是JSP作为开发语言,后台使用SQL Server2005对数据库进行管理,开发环境是MyEclipse,服务器采用的是Tomcat。在系统的测试阶段,本文主要对其进行了功能测试,测试结果表明,该系统达到了预期的功能和效果。
     The development of information technology, but also accompanied by enterprise management mode transformation. With the increase of demand for real estate, real estate information, purchase information and customer information also multiplied, and the traditional way of property management cost is high, the efficiency is low, the safety is not high. Therefore, real estate enterprise information management is very important. A good management system can be reasonable allocation and management of enterprise resource, effectively improve the work efficiency, in order to gain better benefit.
    This paper from the technical, economic and operational yuqida for house property of the company's internal management system are analyzed, the feasibility of process and system, and then through to the enterprise property information, employee information and purchase information analysis, such as yuqida as enterprise was designed and implemented a B/S model based on Web technology of real estate sales system. Platform, through this system can realize the building management systematization and standardization and informatization, to reduce the workload of staff and cost. System using JSP reception as a development language, the background using SQL Server2005 database for management, development environment is MyEclipse, adopts the Tomcat server. In system testing, this paper mainly uses functional testing, test results show that the system has reached the expected function and effect.
    [Key Words]:MIS;Real estate sales;B/S Structure
    目    录
    摘  要    I
    Abstract    II
    1.    绪论    - 1 -
    1.1 选题背景和意义    - 1 -
    1.2 国内外研究状况及发展趋势    - 1 -
    2.    开发工具和主要技术    - 2 -
    2.1 MyEclipse开发环境    - 2 -
    2.2 B/S模式    - 3 -
    2.3 SQL Server 2005数据库    - 3 -
    2.4 JavaScript    - 3 -
    3.    系统分析    - 4 -
    3.1可行性分析    - 4 -
    3.1.1技术可行性    - 4 -
    3.1.2经济可行性    - 4 -
    3.1.3操作可行性    - 4 -
    3.2系统流程分析    - 5 -
    4.    系统概要设计    - 5 -
    4.1 设计的基本思想    - 5 -
    4.2 系统功能描述    - 6 -
    4.3 数据库分析与设计    - 8 -
    4.3.1 数据库概念模型分析    - 8 -
    4.3.2数据库逻辑结构设计    - 10 -
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