    Abstract Nowadays, with the rapid development of information, in order to make full use of computing resources, the human have researched and developed the virtualization technology.By the way of virtualization technology, The computing resource such as network bandwidth, memory, hard disk resources and so on are abstracted, it’s said that the computing resources are out of hardware resource pool, through the way of allocation of virtual machine to integrate of computing resources.  In this way, the service provider's computing resources can be allocated on demand to users.
    This design installs the OpenStack service component, sets up a local private cloud platform, and  master standby scheme of platform to achieve high availability, and also uses DRBD+Corosync+Pacemaker to achieve data’s high availability. In order to realize the service high availability, this design uses the Corosync+Pacemaker technology to manage HTTP ,which non persistent data service, and set up virtual IP address, allowing the outside world through the virtual IP address to access the service node and use the service’s function. In addition, this design uses Python Language to write the script, as to realize the repair of the DRBD split-brain problems automatically, the service restart automatically,and data timing difference backup function and so on.to complete the function of Private Cloud platform, perfecting a local high availability of Private Clouds.
    After the platform is completed, it can create a virtual machine on-demand through the platform service component’s command. Its SSH services can meet the demands of the user's virtual machine remote login in security, achieve the goal of alloting the computing resources to the user's on-demand.
    [Key words]: OpenStack,;high-avaliablity; Python;Private Clouds
    摘  要    1
    Abstract    2
    目录    3
    1. 绪论    - 1 -
    1.1 研究背景    - 1 -
    1.2 主要研究工作    - 1 -
    2. 相关技术    - 3 -
        2.1 概述    - 3 -
        2.2  OpenStack云平台    - 3 -
        2.3  LVM(逻辑卷管理)    - 4 -
        2.4  高可用性软件    - 5 -
        2.5  SSH(Secure Shell)服务    - 7 -
        2.6  RabbitMQ    - 8 -
        2.7  Python脚本语言    - 8 -
        2.8  MySQL数据库    - 8 -
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