    摘  要
    20世纪末,以计算机和数字技术为代表的信息科学和技术,对世界的经济、军事、教育、文化、卫生等方面的发展产生了深刻的影响。而在电子学中,数字加法器作为数字电子技术的重要组成之一,是一种用于执行加法运算的数字电路部件,是构成电子计算机核心微处理器中算术逻辑单元的基础。近年来,随着科学不断发展,数字加法器不断发展变化,特别是近年来在工业和农业领域,随着数字化的倾向愈来愈明显,数字加法器的需求急速扩大,产品开发迅速增长, 构成了现代数字系统的基石。45626
    Abstract  20th century, computer and digital technology as the representative of information science and technology, the development of the world economy, military, education, culture, health and other aspects have had a profound impact.In electronics, a digital adder as an important component of digital electronic technology, is part of a digital circuit for performing an addition operation, constitute the basis of computer-core microprocessor arithmetic logic unit. In recent years, with the continuous development of science, digital adder evolving, particularly in the industrial and agricultural sectors in recent years, with more and more obvious tendency digitization, digital adder needs rapid expansion, product development and rapid growth, constitute the cornerstone of modern digital systems.
           In this paper, the definition and basic logic adder based on the principle, summed up the half adder and full adder, adder function,To explore its characteristics and the design of the adder, to prove the universality and application of digital adder.
    [Keywords]: electronic technology; digital adder; Design; Application
    目    录
    摘  要    I
    Abstract    II
    1. 绪论    1
    1.1  课题背景    1
    1.2  主要研究工作    1
    2.基本逻辑函数    2
    2.1  逻辑函数中的三种基本运算    2
    2.1.1  与运算    2
    2.1.2  或运算    3
    2.1.2  非运算    4
    2.2  逻辑代数的运算定律    5
    3. 组合逻辑电路    5
    3.1  组合逻辑电路定义    5
    3.2  组合逻辑电路应用    6
    3.3  组合逻辑电路发展趋势    7
    4.数字加法器的类型    7
    4.1数字加法器的定义    7
    4.2加法器的基本运算规则    7
    4.3  半加器概述    8
    4.4  全加器概述    9
    4.5  多位加法器    11
    4.5.1  串行进位加法器    11
    4.5.2  并行进位加法器    12
    4.5.3  超前进位集成4位加法器74LS283    12
    5.  数字加法器的设计    15
       5.1  用74LS138译码器实现全加器    15
       5.1.1  74LS138译码器概述    15
       5.1.2  74LS138实现全加器    17
       5.2  用74LS153数据选择器实现全加器    21
       5.2.1  74LS153数据选择器概述    21
       5.2.2  74LS153实现全加器    22
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