    本文设计的管理信息系统主要运用Java作为编程语言,应用了Eclipse开发平台、Microsoft SQL Server 2005数据库及Microsoft office Visio 2003等工具和技术。系统的设计严格按照面向对象编程的原则。
    Abstract With the rapid development of economy and the improvement of living standards, people have not only pay attention to the problem of food and clothing in, but began to learn to enjoy life, leisure and entertainment has become more and more important. The teahouse is one kind of Party entertainment in one of the most common. The main design goal of this system is the realization of how to make the maximum customer satisfaction and management and simple and convenient management, just rely on the traditional artificial management has been unable to meet the needs of the development of the industry, it must be integrated with the network to establish a convenient one-stop service system.
    Management information system designed in this thesis mainly uses JAVA as a programming language, using eclipse development platform, Microsoft SQL Server 2005 database and Microsoft office Visio2003 tools and techniques. The design of the system in strict accordance with the principles of object-oriented programming.
    The operation mode and business conditions for small restaurant management information system, the system designed in this paper mainly includes functional modules employee information management, customer information management, product information management, information management, financial management, material flow management and other major person.
    This system has reduced errors, saving manpower and material resources, improve the quality and efficiency of service and scientific and rational management etc,I believe in the small restaurant still has certain use value.
    [keyword]: efficient service; scientific management; management information system
    目  录
    摘要    I
    Abstract    II
    1.绪论    7
    1.1研究背景    7
    1.2研究目的和意义    7
    1.3国内外现状    7
    1.4研究内容及方法    8
    1.4.1系统功能模块设计    8
    1.4.2数据库设计    8
    1.5本章小节    9
    2.相关技术和方法    10
    2.1Eclipse开发平台    10
    2.2 Microsoft SQL Server 2005数据库    10
    2.3本章小节    10
    3.系统分析    12
    3.1可行性分析    12
    3.1.1经济可行性    12
    3.1.2技术可行性    12
    3.1.3操作可行性    12
    3.1.4法律可行性    12
    3.2企业的部门结构图或职能划分图    12
    3.2.1组织结构图的绘制    12
    3.3企业的业务流程    13
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