    Abstract In the world of big data, cloud computing become more and more popular, but it takes high expense for enterprises when testing the cloud applicaiton in a real environment. Therefore, a simulator is needed which can be tested repeatedly and adapted to the different deploying algorithms.
    This paper will take CloudSim as our cloud computing simulation platform to simulate the cloud computing environment, and realize an allocation policy for MDC, which is compared to the minimal workload first allocation policy and minimal fittest allocation policy.
    This paper is organized as follows:
    In section 1, we bring forward the background and situation. In section 2, we introduce the relevant technologies using in this paper, such as the concept and category of cloud, virtualization and brief of MDC. Section 3 depicts the three virtual machine allocation policies and their migrate algorithms in detail. Section 4 is the establishment of simulation platform and the analysis of the experiment. According to the analysis of result, we compare the advantages and disadvantages among the three virtual machine allocation policies. Section 5 is the conclusion and prospect of the paper.
    [Key Words]:Cloud computing; CloudSim; Allocation policy for MDC; Migrate algorithm
    目    录
    摘  要    I
    Abstract    II
    1. 绪论    - 1 -
    1.1 研究背景    - 1 -
    1.2 研究现状    - 1 -
    1.3 云计算概述    - 2 -
    1.3.1云计算的定义    - 2 -
    1.3.2云计算分类    - 2 -
    1.4 虚拟化技术    - 3 -
    1.4.1简介    - 3 -
    1.4.2虚拟机迁移过程    - 3 -
    2. MDC模型概述    - 3 -
    2.1 MDC模型简介    - 3 -
    2.2 EBSN    - 4 -
    3. 虚拟机分配策略及其迁移算法设计    - 6 -
    3.1 负载度最低优先分配策略及其迁移算法    - 6 -
    3.1.1负载度最低优先分配策略    - 6 -
    3.1.2迁移算法    - 7 -
    3.2 最小适应分配策略及其迁移算法    - 7 -
    3.2.1最小适应分配策略    - 7 -
    3.2.2迁移算法    - 8 -
    3.3 EBSN模型分配策略及其迁移算法    - 8 -
    3.3.1 EBSN模型分配策略    - 8 -
    3.3.2迁移算法    - 8 -
    4. Cloudsim简介以及算法实验仿真    - 9 -
    4.1 Cloudsim仿真平台简介    - 9 -
    4.1.1 Cloudsim层次结构    - 9 -
    4.1.2 CloudSim类图    - 10 -
    4.2 CloudSim平台扩展    - 11 -
    4.3 仿真流程分析    - 13 -
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