    毕业论文关键词:采购平台 ;数据同步;.NET;ASP.NET
    Rapid progress in today's society, information technology development, are also constantly changing means of access to information, to obtain information from the Internet to become the most popular way of fast, real-time of network information has become more and more popular. Real-time query, for example, news and information transfer, and so on various aspects. Based on Internet to life, the many advantages of information technology become a mainstream, from all walks of life are entered the informationization, enterprise, become an irreversible trend of enterprise information, enterprise informatization will be enterprise itself and the products of the enterprise in a more effective way to more quickly. We get needed information from the Internet from where, this needs the support of the database, the data in the database, the database for data interaction between, sometimes we need to get the data already exists, we can get over from existing data, this will reduce the cumbersome to input data, save a lot of energy, especially when the presence of large amounts of data, but the same data may be stored in different structure, which requires the application of data synchronization technology.
    In this system, using ASP.NET technology development, using three layer architecture as development framework, design and implementation of data synchronization module. Using SQLServer2008 development of database for this system. Is introduced to realize the data synchronization module, the realization of data synchronization and use HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and relevant technical data synchronous implementation of the page
    Key words:PurchasingPatform ; DataSynchronism ; .Net ; ASP.NET
     目  录
    第一章  绪言    1
    1.1采购平台中数据同步模块的设计与实现的背景与意义    1
    1.2采购平台中数据同步模块的设计与实现的目的和意义    1
    1.2.1采购平台中数据同步模块的设计与实现研究目的    1
    1.2.2采购平台中数据同步模块的设计与实现研究意义    1
    1.3 采购平台中数据同步模块的设计与实现研究方法    1
    第二章  系统开发环境、开发语言以及有关技术介绍    3
    2.1 .NET开发平台的介绍    3
    2.2 SQL SERVER 2008数据库    4
    2.3 HTML的介绍    4
    2.4 Entity Framework简单介绍    5
    2.5 C#的简单介绍    5
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