    ABSTRACT With the rapid development of mobile Internet, more and more traditional companies into the internet. Health care is no exception, the use of mobile terminal to monitor the health of the human body has become an increasingly viable means of medical treatment. The app development using the Android development technology, the main use of Java to write code, eclipse as an auxiliary tool.  
       Paper summarized the market prospects of the mobile phone software, hardware, health index detection system to achieve the basic functions of do detailed analysis, also introduces the overall architecture of the application, covers the application of structure analysis, realizes the function pision. At the end of this paper, we give the detailed design process of the health index detection system, some interface diagrams and important operation and test screenshots. The project to achieve the human body temperature and pulse detection function, but also to achieve a data recording function and alarm function, complete function, can be in the normal operation of the phone.
    Key words: pulse;temperature;eclipse;java;Android;health.
    目  录
    第一章  概述    1
    1.1移动医疗的背景    1
    1.2设计的意义与功能的实现    2
    1.3设计的可行方案    3
    1.4本章小结    3
    第二章  硬件介绍    4
    2.1Android硬件平台    4
    2.1.1模拟器Genymotion    4
    2.1.2智能手机    6
    2.2蓝牙介绍    7
    2.3单片机介绍    7
    2.4本章小结    8
    第三章  软件设计    9
    3.1软件整体结构    9
    3.1.1软件功能说明    9
    3.1.2整体流程说明    9
    3.2各功能模块设计    10
    3.2.1主界面模块    10
    3.2.2蓝牙服务模块    12
    3.2.3设备界面模块    13
    3.3本章小结    13
    第四章  运行及测试    14
    4.1运行效果    14
    4.2技术问题    17
     4.3本章小结    17
    结论    18
    致谢    19
    参考文献    20
    第一章  概述
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