    ABSTRACT  With the continuous development of national economy and the general improvement in people's quality of life, residential area has already become the indispensable choice, People not only have small selection of environmental factors, the appearance and quality of residential, residential property management service quality also accounted for a large proportion. However ,property related information can not be fully open or only inform the owners singly through the bulletin board ,this caused direct impact on the exchange between property managers and owners, which can cause many problems. Therefore, it is very necessary develope a set of error-free, efficient residential property management system software. The main function of this system is is bid farewell to paper books, enables the owners to mastering the property information anytime and anywhere, greatly increased nearly the communication between property managers and owners.
    The design is the development of a residential property management system. The main purpose of the design is to bid farewell to paper books and safe, quick to save the data, advanced JAVA language, using tomcat server, and use Serclet response to client requests; using Mysql database and use JDBC access back-end database, and ultimately developed this system, not only can facilitate the users, but also improve the efficiency of property management, property management system to improve and enhance the property management system to provide a strong guarantee.
    Key words: Java; residential property; management system
    目  录
    第一章 绪论    1
    1.1系统的开发背景    1
    1.2 系统的研究意义    1
    1.3 研究目标    1
    1.4 研究的方法和技术    2
    1.5 可行性分析    2
    第二章 JAVA和开发工具简介    3
    2.1 JAVA语言的简单介绍    3
    2.2 Eclispe    3
    2.3 ADT    3
    2.4 MySQL    3
    2.5 Tomcat    4
    2.6准备工作    4
    2.6.1 安装JDK    4
    2.6.2 安装Eclipse    4
    2.6.3 ADT安装    5
    2.6.4 安装Mysql    5
    第三章 系统分析    6
    3.1 需求分析    6
    3.2 业主使用功能    6
    3.3 管理员使用功能    6
    3.4 系统流程图    7
    第四章 系统设计    9
    4.1 系统设计目标    9
    4.2 功能模块图    9
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