    The courseware becomes an indispensable part of teaching.But the existing courseware increasingly prominent problems, main show is regular, specificity, sealing ability.Most of the courseware are more rigid, and made for a specific course, with the teaching target, teaching closely related decisions, adapted to the specific teaching environment and the object, and it corresponds to  teaching material, After production is completed, it is very trouble to bemodified up .No can really reflect teachers' teaching ideas, the more important is it can't  give full play to the initiative and creativity. In order to improve the sharing and importance , building courseware arises at the historic moment.It takes knowledge as a unit to accomplish classification, retrieval build, run, and other functions.
    This article mainly introduced the unit blocks based on ASP.NET platform development of micro teaching courseware development system.It is made up of three parts  including the teaching resource, teaching resource management platform, accumulating a combination terrace .Teaching repository stores the various disciplines of  teaching materials and a lot of knowledge information material can be provided for the teachers andstudents use.The teaching resource management platform provides,the  management of teaching resource repository and maintenance functions.Accumulating a combination terrace can provide a practical tool to use information in Teaching  repositoryand combine them.
    Keywords: ASP.NET, B/S Architecture, Building Block Unit,Search
     目  录
    第一章  概述    1
    1.1 课题背景    1
    1.2 课题意义    1
    1.3 课题研究内容    1
    1.4 论文架构    2
    第二章  基础知识    3
    2.1 ASP.NET    3
    2.2 VS2010简介    3
    2.3 SQL Server 2008简介    3
    2.4 脚本    3
    2.5 B/S模型    4
    2.6 三层架构    4
    2.7 小结    5
    第三章  系统需求分析    6
    3.1 需求分析    6
    3.1.1 功能需求    6
    3.1.2 安全性需求    6
    3.2 功能模块及操作流程    6
    第四章  系统概要设计    9
    4.1 系统的功能模块    9
    4.2 数据库设计    9
    第五章  系统详细设计    17
    5.1 用户模块    17
    5.1.1 人机界面    17
    5.1.2 起始页介绍    17
    5.1.3 新闻资讯模块    18
    5.1.4 查看教学资源模块    19
    5.1.5 留言答疑模块    21
    5.1.6 用户注册模块    23
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  2. 下一篇:C#的酒店预订系统的设计与实现
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