    毕业论文关键词:在线学习;MySQL;MyBatis; Spring;ajax
    With the rapid development of the Internet, people acquire new knowledge to persify, online learning has emerged, in order to allow people using online learning to take notes more easily, was born out of the online notes and other related projects. Online notes are logged to the user at any time in the study, sharing, collection notes. This project through the distributed solution enables user-space infinite zoom.  System close to the dominant user behavior, hope to reach everywhere, everywhere notes results.
    The system uses b/s mode. Using MySQL database and use the MyBatis technology to access the database. Management components using the Spring framework, integrating MyBatis, handling general universal service. Using MVC layer, separate your code into the control layer, the business layer, persistence layer and view layers, realized the landing module, notebook modules, and notes modules. Landed includes the landing module, registration, change password and exit the login function. Notebook module contains new, modify, delete. Notes module that contains the query, add, modify, and delete functionality. AJAX technologies to asynchronously send a request to refresh the page and client-side logic in the handling and display of the dynamic effects of the technology.
    Key words: online learning;MySQL;MyBatis; Spring;Ajax
     目  录
    第一章    绪  论    1
    1.1课题研究的背景和意义    1
    1.2研究方法及设计思路    1
    1.3章节简述    2
    第二章    相关技术介绍    3
    2.1 SpringMVC框架    3
    2.2 MySql数据库    3
    2.3 IBatis(MyBatis)    3
    2.4 Ajax    4
    第三章    在线笔记的设计    5
    3.1 功能性设计    5
    3.2数据库的设计    6
    3.3数据库与服务器的连接    9
    第四章    系统实现    10
    4.1 用户登录模块    10
    4.2 笔记本模块    14
    4.3 笔记模块    16
    第五章    在线笔记的测试    24
    5.1测试的概述    24
    5.2测试用例    24
    结束语    25
    致  谢    26
    参考文献    27
    第一章      绪论
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  2. 下一篇:基于C#的健身中心会员管理系统的开发
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