
    摘要: 随着软件架构的不断发展,软件交付成为越来越重要的部分。在传统的软件开发模式中,手工式的部署、开发与运维间的壁垒等问题导致了软件交付效率低,同时具有一定风险。因此,引入持续集成与持续交付是很有必要的,让软件发布变成一种自动化、低风险、可重复的一项工作。一般在敏捷开发模式中,使用持续交付方法缩短软件的迭代周期,尽早满足用户需求。Docker作为开源的容器管理引擎,实现了轻量级的虚拟化,具有占用资源低、运行高效、构建便捷等特点。容器不同于传统的虚拟机,是属于应用级的虚拟化,直接运行在主机之上,所以具备轻量和高效的特点,可以达到秒级的启动和停止。传统的构建与交付过程会面对环境不统一、构建过程复杂等问题,Docker通过构建标准化镜像,可以统一应用与环境,同时容器的轻量化特点,又可以做到快速分发与部署,极大的降低了持续交付的难度与成本,是应用交付的巨大变革。47056

    毕业论文关键词: 敏捷开发;持续交付;运维开发;Docker; 

    Based Docker continuous delivery method in agile process

    Abstract: As the continuous development of software architecture, software delivery becomes a more and more important part. In the traditional software development mode, handwork style deployment, barriers of development and operation and maintenance issues have result in the low efficiency of software delivery, and have a certain risks at the same time. Therefore, it is very necessary to introduce continuous integration and continuous delivery, allows the software development become an automation, low risks and repeatable work. Generally, in the agile development model, utilize the continuous delivery method can shorten the iteration cycle of the software, and satisfy the requirements of clients as early as possible. Docker as an open source container management engine, it has realized the lightweight virtualization, and has the features of low resource occupation, high efficient operation, convenient to create. The container is different from the traditional virtual machine, it is an application level virtualization, can directly operate on the mainframe, thus has the features of lightweight and high efficient, and can reach the second-level startup and shut down.  The traditional establishment and delivery process will encounter the issues of disunion environment, complex establishment process, Docker can unify the application and environment by the establishment of standardized image, and the container has the light weight features at the same time, and can realize rapid distribution and deployment, greatly reduced the difficulties and costs of continuous delivery, is a giant reform of application delivery.

    Keywords: Agile Development; Continuous Delivery; DevOps; Docker


    摘要 i

    Abstract i

    目录 iii

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 本课题研究的背景 1

    1.2 本课题的目的和意义 2

    2 技术分析 3

    2.1 版本控制 3

    2.1.1 需求分析 3

    2.1.2 Git版本仓库简介

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