
    摘要:本课题是基于大型机的外汇业务管理系统,选取的是其中部分功能的设计与实现,主要实现的功能包括外汇对公存款业务、账号余额即时更新、外汇核准件的添加、核准件的查询以及核准件的更新。此系统的开发环境是Z/OS 390, 用到的开发语言是JCL、COBOL、CICS。程序上的调用顺序为OH程序用于处理主要数据的逻辑操作,OC程序调用OH程序的服务,实现与Map界面数据的传入与输出等操作。本课题是用COBOL来实现程序逻辑操作的处理,界面设计和测试是在CICS上通过画Map来实现交互。在测试过程中用到最多的是WRITEQ语句,这样我就可以单步跟踪测试,快速发现问题的所在,有效的找到切入点然后解决问题,直到完成程序测试。最终,实现外汇对公存款业务、账号余额即时更新、外汇核准件的添加、核准件的查询以及核准件的更新这五大功能。48206 

    毕业论文关键词:外汇;Z/OS 390;COBOL;CICS;WRITEQ

    The design and implementation of the Management for Foreign Exchange Business System bases on IBM Mainframe (Real-time refresh of the balance, new Adding, Inquire, and Update for Company’s Verify files)

    Abstract: The Project is about The Management of Foreign Exchange Business System, which bases on the IBM Mainframe. I select part of it’s functions for the design and implementation, including the main functions such as Foreign Exchange for Company Saving Business, Real-time Update for the balance of one account ; New Adding, Inquire, and Update for Company’s Verify files. The development environment of this project system is Z/OS 390, coding languages I used is JCL, COBOL, CICS . The program calls other procedures sequentially. OH procedures was used for processing some data and handling some main operations. OC procedures call the OH’s services, realize both of the logic operation and communication of input & output data with Map interface. This project uses COBOL statements for handling the procedures’ logic operations. The interfacial design and testing by using Map which designed by CICS to realize the communication. I use WRITEQ statements during testing, so that I can follow up the testing step by step, figure out the issues quickly and then solve the issues efficiently, and complete the program testing eventually. Finally, I have completed and realized five function modules, including the main functions such as Foreign Exchange for Company Saving Business, Real-time Update for the balance of one account ; New Adding, Inquire, and Update for Company’s Verify files.

    Keywords: Foreign Exchange; Z/OS 390;COBOL;CICS;WRITEQ


    摘要 i

    Abstract i

    目录 iii

    1 绪论 1

    2 系统开发资料 2

    2.1 开发背景 2

    2.2 发展趋势 2

    2.3 开发目的 2

    2.4 开发意义 3

    3 相关开发语言与技术 4

    3.1 开发语言 4

    3.1.1 JCL 4

    3.1.2 COBOL

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