
    摘要: 本课题的提出是基于国家教育部对于高中国民教育新课改的进一步深化改革与落实改革的命题上。在这个过程中,高中的走班教学网络选课模式,线上线下教育模式相结合等一系列新方案是一次重大的尝试。针对这个基础去设计网上选课这样一个操作性的实体是本课题的重点,也是本课题着重探讨的问题。本文在设计和实现上给出搭建该系统所需要的具体相关的技术与软件开发的一套完整的流程说明,主要采用J2EE这样一个Java Web的企业级网站开发应用框架SSH(struts+spring+hibernat)进行设计。在网页技术上主要采用JSP。SSH的框架相对来说比较主流,在Java Web层面是上说,采取显示和业务逻辑的分离的设计模式,采用以上MVC的一个设计理念:将学生选课,教师安排课程以及我们的管理员管理我们的信息,这将三者形成的业务流更好的联系起来。进一步的将学校实现课程的网上选择落到实处,扩大学生选课的自由。从软件开发的层面上来看,首先是通过分析用户需求,从这个核心群体用户的使用需求中进一步得出功能开发的要求,在此基础上利用好搭建的技术平台,完成各主要功能模块的设计,以及系统相关的其他可行或必须的设计。最后一部分,介绍本系统的测试计划和测试工作说明。通过本系统的开发,解决网络选课的技术问题,同学选择自己喜欢的课程学习,发现自己的兴趣爱好。最好的教育是适合学生的教育,而适合学生的教育唯有经过受教育者和教育者的不断选择才能发现、才能实现。这也是本课题探讨的意义所在。48310

    毕业论文关键词: 新课改;高中选课系统;J2EE;SSH;JSP

    Design and Implementation of High School New Curriculum Reform Course Selection System

    Abstract:  This paper is based on the proposition proposed National Education Ministry of National Education for high school new curriculum reform and implementation of further reform. In this process, take the class teaching high school elective network mode, online and offline educational model combining a series of new programs is a major attempt. For this basis to design a workable Online Course entity is the focus of this paper, this paper also focuses on the problem. In this paper, the design and realization of concrete structures is given a complete set of process-related technical description of the system and software development needs, mainly a J2EE enterprise Java Web site development application framework SSH (struts + spring + hibernat ) design. Technically page mainly JSP. SSH framework is relatively mainstream, in the Java Web level is speaking, take the display and business logic separate design mode, using a more MVC design concept: the student enrollment, curriculum and teachers in our management of our administrators information services which will form the three flow better linked. Further schools will implement an online course selection carried out, to expand student enrollment freedom. From the perspective of software development, first through the analysis of user needs, from this core group of user needs further development derived functional requirements, on this basis, to make good use of technology to build a platform to complete each major function module design and other system-related design feasible or necessary. The last part of the introduction of the system test plans and test work instructions. Through the development of this system, so that the age of the Internet Language high school students choose their own course of study, find their own interests. The best education is education for students, and for the education of students educated only through continuous selection and educators can be found, it can be achieved. This is the significance of the present study was to investigate.

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