    本文分析了当前智慧旅游的背景和移动导览系统的研究现状、应用现状,介绍了移动GIS技术和Android开发技术,并对景区移动导览系统的研究进行了数据需求分析和功能需求分析,提出了一种以西溪国家湿地公园为例的移动智能导览系统的研究与开发方案。移动导览系统以目前广泛使用的Android操作系统为研究平台,Java语言和XML语言编写程序,以Android Studio为系统的开发环境,结合高德地图SDK for Android进行开发。系统实现了五大功能,基本能够满足旅游者的游览需求。
    With the progress of wireless communication technology, mobile Internet technology and mobile GIS technology, as well as the popularity of smart phones, the tourism industry to develop in the direction of more intelligent, tourism has become more information, networking, and mobile. Mobile intelligent navigation system has been expanding its market, has become a research hotspot in recent years.
    This paper analyzes the background of current wisdom tourism and research status,the application status of mobile navigation system, the mobile GIS technology and Android development technology are introduced, and the requirements analysis of mobile navigation system is presented, put forward a kind of research and development plan of mobile intelligent navigation system ,take Xixi national wetland park as an example . The mobile navigation system use the Android operating system as the research platform ,which is used widespread at the current,use Java language and XML language to develop the program, with Android Studio for the system’s development environment, combining with Amap SDK for Android to do develop. System has achieved five functions, basically meet the demand of tourists in the tourism process.
    毕业论文关键词:智慧旅游; 移动GIS; Android; 移动导览
    Keyword: wisdom tourism; mobile GIS; Android; mobile navigation
    摘    要    3
    1.    引言    7
    1.1    研究背景与意义    7
    1.2    研究内容    8
    2.    移动导览系统国内外研究现状    8
    2.1    国外研究现状    9
    2.2    国内研究现状    9
    3.    相关理论和关键技术    10
    3.1    Android操作系统概述    10
    3.2    Android应用开发技术    11
    3.2.1    四大组件    11
    3.2.2    丰富的系统控件    11
    3.2.3    SQLite数据库    12
    3.2.4    基于位置的服务    12
    3.3    移动地理信息系统    12
    3.3.1    移动GIS定义    12
    3.3.2    移动GIS技术    13
    3.3.3    移动GIS开发平台    13
    4.    系统需求分析和总体设计    14
    4.1    系统需求分析    14
    4.1.1    数据需求分析    14
    4.1.2    系统功能需求分析    14
    4.2    系统总体设计    15
    4.2.1    地图定位    15
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