
    摘要: 随着21世纪的到来,信息技术的迅猛发展带来了技术变革和教育变革,高校也面临着不断扩大和更高的教育需求,对于学生而言,能够真正深入于实践,至关重要,因此高校必须让每个学生都能在实验室学习东西,真正实践,老师必须带领学生进入实验室,越来越多的课程在实验室进行,因此实验室的管理人员的管理负担越来越重,为了减轻管理员的压力方便管理员管理,同时针对用户预约越来越复杂的情况,开发一套实验室预约系统是很必要的。我开始不能确定是选用什么架构,后来在老师帮助下,决定使用spring和springmvc和hibernate3。以spring为框架基础,和hibernate作为持久层,以MVC模型为结构。后来不知道如何搭建框架,学习一段时间后终于搭建成功。在描写功能时,设立了待办事件功能,查询事件功能,申请事件功能。每个页面都有权限设置,有些用户可以使用,管理员不能使用,有些管理员可以使用,用户不可以使用。代码中建造中,我也对其进行分层处理,分为controller层,service层,DAO层。每一层分别负责不同的事情。我将他们进行分层处理,降低耦合度,方便进行功能扩展。我的系统大概可以描述为,用户登录,用户发起申请事件,管理员登录,管理员管理事件,用户查询事件,管理员查询事件,发布公告。其中每一层,我都有权限设计,确保系统安全。给与系统安全性和可靠性。我更加有分层设计,可以方便的扩展其功能,给予系统可扩展性。在数据交互层我选用hibernate是因为本系统没有太多的数据库查询,hibernate可以完全封装SQL语句,让我不用去写SQL语句。总之,本系统中我给与用户基本的预约功能也给与管理员基本的管理功能,让用户和管理员可以使用本系统更好地适应智能实验室。48404


    Intelligent laboratory system - an appointment management system

    Abstract: With the advent of the 21st century, the rapid development of information technology brings about technological change and education reform, colleges are also facing increasing demand and higher education, for students, can truly deeply in practice, is critical, so colleges and universities must make every student can study in the laboratory, the real practice, the teacher must lead the students into the lab, a growing number of courses in the lab, so more and more heavy burden on the management of the laboratory management, in order to ease the pressure on the administrator administrator management, convenient for users to make an appointment at the same time more and more complex situation, develop a set of laboratory booking system is very necessary. I began to not sure what is architecture, then with the teacher help, decided to use the spring and for springmvc and hibernate3. Based on the framework of the spring, and hibernate as persistence layer, based on the MVC model structure. Later don't know how to build framework, study after a period of time to build successful finally. In describing function, set up to do event function, query event function, application event functions. Each page has permissions set, some users can use, the administrator can't use some administrators can use, the user may not be used. When writing code, I also for hierarchical design, mainly at the front page of interactive layer, mainly dealing with the database of data persistence layer, logic layer is mainly responsible for logical processes. Their hierarchical processing, reduce the coupling, and is convenient for function extension. My system can be described as, user login, user initiated the application, the administrator login, the administrator management, user queries, administrators query events, announcement. Each layer, I have the permission to design, ensure the security of the system. Give a system security and reliability. I'm more hierarchical design, easy to extend its function, gives the system scalability. In data communication layer I choose hibernate because this system is not so much a database query, hibernate can fully encapsulated SQL statements, let I don't need to write SQL statements. All in all, I give the user the basic system in the reservation also give administrators basic management functions, let users and administrators can use this system to better adapt to the intelligence laboratory.

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