
    摘要 随着国家经济的高速发展,国民生活水平和质量显著提升,生活的方方面面都有了巨大的变化,精神生活的追求也越来越高。近几年大中小城市轿车普及,都市生活和户外运动兴起,给能够为中高端消费者提供便捷时尚搭载装备和休闲用品的拓乐公司开辟了市场。实现拓乐产品的品牌电子商务销售模式,提高与同类产品电子商务业务竞争能力,实现管理的科学性和系统性显得尤为必要。利用B/S模式的SSH技术,设计开发的拓乐网上销售系统不仅可供前台客户在线浏览检索和下单,还具有后台管理操作信息反馈的功能。本系统设计顺应企业在线销售的时代浪潮,通过完善系统的可操作性和便捷性,前台页面设计和后台页面设计统一结合实现一个完整的网上管理销售系统。48714

    毕业论文关键词:电子商务 网上管理销售系统  SHH技术 

    Thule Sales Management System

    Abstract:With the high-speed development of national economy,national life level and   level of consumption,earth-shaking changes have taken place in all aspects of life.In recent years,cars and urban life outdoor sports become more and more  popular in medium cities, thus,Thule,the Swiss company that can provide convenient fashion carrying equipment and outdoor leisure products has opened up the market. Implement its product brand of e-commerce sales model, improve the ability of competing with similar products e-commerce business, realize the management of scientific and systemic is necessary. Using B/S mode of SSH technology, design and development of the company on its sales system not only for the front desk customer online browsing retrieval and place the order, also has the function of background management operation information feedback. This system is designed to keep up with The Times of enterprise online sales through improving system operability and convenience, the front desk page design and the background design combined to implement a complete unity of online sales management system.

    Key Words: Management system , E-commmerce , SHH technology

    目    录

    摘要 3

    Abstract 3

    第1章  绪论 1

    1.1 课题背景、现状、发展趋势 1

    1.2 课题研究的目的和意义 1

    第2章  可行性分析 2

    2.1 技术可行性 2

    2.2 经济可行性 2

    2.3 营运可行性 3

    第3章  需求分析 3

    3.1在线购物的大趋势 3

    3.2 拓乐产品在线销售系统的需求分析 3

    第4章  总体规划 4

    4.1系统整体模块分析构造 4

    4.2数据库方案 6

    4.2.1分析与细化 6

    4.2.2数据库表 7

    第5章  系统具体设计方案和模块实现 9

    5.1系统运行版本和环境 10

    5.2开发使用工具及技术应用 10

    5.2.1开发工具 10

    5.2.2开发技术 10

    5.3系统主界面分析与设计 10


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