
    摘要:Unity游戏是一种目前广泛的游戏制作形式,有很多的大游戏也是用Unity来完成设计和制作的,比如《炉石传说》 ,《新仙剑奇侠传OL》 ,《轩辕剑6》等。Unity以可以跨平台发布,容易上手深受开发者的喜爱,当然对于Unity的脚本语言可以用Java Script和C#,这次我的游戏设计的脚本语言就是用C#来完成的,通过运用C#和Unity来完成人物角色的行走跳跃以及场景中的部分特效的制作,当然还要通过部分插件的使用来完善Unity本身的NGUI功能单一的问题。对于对C#不是很熟悉的人来说,一边学习C#一边做项目还是很充实的。通过对本项目的完善,进一步加深了对Unity以及C#的认识,掌握用Unity3d制作游戏的技巧。根据对Unity的了解,对Unity制作小游戏的前景进行总结和展望。48943

    毕业论文关键词: Unity3d;游戏设计;闯关;C#

     The " Castle Escape" Game Design with Unity  

    Abstract:  Unity's game is a now widely produced form of the game, there are a lot of big games with Unity is to complete the design and production, such as "Hearthstone legend" and "The New Legend of Sword and Fairy OL", "Xuanyuan Sword 6" and so on. Unity with cross-platform release, easy to use by the developer's favorite, of course, for Unity script language, you can use Java Script and C#, this time my game design’s script language is C#, through the use of C# and Unity to complete the characters jump and walking part of the scene effects production,of course, through the use of plug-in part to improve the Unity itself NGUI features a single issue. For the people who is not very familiar with C#, while learning C# and doing the project is still very substantial. Through the improvement of the project, further deepened the Unity and C#’s comprehension, grasp the game with Unity3d’s skills. According to the understanding of Unity, Unity prospects for making small game summary and outlook.

    Keywords: Unity3d;  Game design;  Advance;  C sharp


    摘要 i

    Abstract i

    目录 ii

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 Unity的简介和应用 1

    1.1.1 Unity的简介 1

    1.1.2 Unity的应用 2

    1.2 项目背景 2

    1.3 本课题的重点 2

    1.4 本课题的基本游戏内容 3

    2 分析 4

    2.1 国内外类跑酷游戏现状和水平 4

    2.2 国内外大型闯关游戏的现状和水平 4

    2.3 本课题类型游戏的发展趋势 6

    3 设计 9

    3.1 主场景与游戏界面设计 9

    3.1.1 主场景的设计 9

    3.1.2 游戏界面设计 9

    3.2 各关卡场景设计 13

    3.2.1 关卡设计 13

    3.3 特效总体设计与制作 15

    3.3.1 游戏特效设计 15

    3.3.2 游戏特效的制作 16

    3.4 角色设计与其他音效设计 17

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