
    摘要:随着移动互联网的高速发展和智能手机的高度普及,人们的工作,学习,和生活都越来越离不开移动智能终端,智能终端具有应用多,方便快捷等特点。时间管理在我们日常的生活中也是必要的,所以开发一个时间管理应用具有一定是市场和价值。本文主要就是研究开发了一个基于Android平台的时间管理应用,该APP的功能主要包括计时管理、时间统计、类别统计、时间轴和类别管理等模块。在开发的过程中主要使用了Java、Android Studio、等开发工具,使用的主要技术包含:Java 、SQLite和Intellij等。在经过对APP的测试后,该APP能够实现对用户时间和类别的统计和管理,同时也实现了对事件进行时间轴排列的功能。使用基于Android平台的时间管理应用,能够让用户对自己宝贵的时间做出合理的安排,提高时间的利用率。49168

    毕业论文关键词: Android;时间管理;Android Studio;软件开发。

    Design and implementation of time management software based on Android platform 

    Abstract: With the height of the popularity of mobile Internet and the rapid development of smart phones, people's work, study, and life is increasingly dependent on mobile intelligent terminal, multi-application smart terminal has convenient features. Time management in our daily lives is necessary, so the development of a time-management application and has a market value. This paper is the research and development of time management application based on the Android platform, the APP functions including time management, time statistics, the statistical category, timeline and category management module. In the process of developing the main use of Java, Android Studio, and other development tools, the main techniques used contains: Java, SQLite and Intellij. After a test of the APP, the APP enables user’s time and categories of statistics and management, but also to achieve a timeline of events arranged function. Time management application based on the Android platform that allows users of their precious time to make reasonable arrangements to improve the utilization of time.

    Keywords: Android; time management; studio Android; software development


    摘要 i

    Abstract i

    目录 ii

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 研究的背景与现状 1

    1.2 研究的意义和目的 1

    2 开发环境与技术 3

    2.1 开发环境 3

    2.1.1 Java环境 3

    2.1.2 Android Studio开发工具 3

    2.1.3 Android 模拟器 4

    2.1.4 SQLite数据库的优势 5

    2.1.5 MVC架构 5

    2.2 ANDROID应用程序组件 6

    2.2.1 活动(Activity)组件 6

    2.2.2 Intent(对象)组件 6


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