



    毕业论文关键词:ASP.NET,SQL2008 ,Web,B/S架构 ,课程网站

    The design and implementation of Embedded System Course Website

    Abstract:The course Web site act as a medium of learning function.This paper is based on already existing problems, to do a comprehensive analysis and overall presentation on the course Web site.

    The development of a course on embedded systems Website mainly achieves the student information management, account information management, curriculum resources information management, curriculum management societies, message management, course management and other functions introduced by these capabilities to implement a full-featured the course website.

    This topic is the use of ASP.NET technology to develop a course site, the user needs to provide the appropriate information. Curriculum website can greatly improve the flexibility of online teaching, it makes learning person freed from the complex learning process, you can save a lot of learning time to improve learning efficiency.

    Key words: ASP.NET, SQL2008, Web, B / S architecture, the course website 


    1 绪论 1

    1.1  课题背景 1

    1.2  课题目标 1

    1.3  研究现状 2

    2  网站开发工具介绍 3

    2.1 ASP.NET框架 3

    2.2 B/S框架 4

    2.3 数据库技术 5

    2.4 ADO.NET技术 6

    2.5 软件环境 7

    3  系统分析 7

    3.1问题定义 7

    3.2可行性分析 8

    3.3需求分析 9

    3.4系统用例 9

    4  网站概要设计 12

    4.1  网站功能模块 12

    4.2  数据库设计 12

    4.2.1  数据库概念结构设计 13

    4.2.2  数据库逻辑结构设计 14

    5  网站详细设计 17

    5.1 首页功能模块的详细设计 17

    5.2 用户信息管理模块 18

    5.3 信息管理模块 19

    5.4 留言板 21

    5.5 管理员后台操作界面 23

    6  总结 25

    7  致谢 26

    8  参考文献 27

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