

    这次我所设计制作的数字信号处理教学网页是在ASP.NET的大环境之下,利用了一个知名的数据库软件——SQL SERVER 2005来进行开发的,这篇论文主要包括了怎么使用数据库,和怎么样来使用和ASP.NET有关的插件,并且还介绍了用这些工具来和数据库相连的办法,并且呢我在论文里主要介绍了以下一些部分:分析可行性能,分析用户的需求,大体上是怎么来设计的,更为详细的设计和各种软件的测试。而大体的设计大致上讲就是把如何来设计系统的功能,代码以及数据库的方法一一详尽地呈现给大家。

    毕业论文关键词:数字信号处理的教学网页;SQL SERVER 2005;控件;B/S;ASP.NET

    Digital signal processing teaching web page

    Abstract:Throughout recent years, many students and teachers more and more like to browse some online exchange of Learning Forum web site on the Internet, these sites, many of which are based on B / S structure. Not only do they have a different in old-fashioned teaching methods, let our learning and teaching is no longer rely on uncertain time and uncertainty of space, they also make us better to use time, high-speed and effective learning and teaching. Therefore, it is very important and necessary to design and make an online education website related to the subject. If so convenient way, then mom and Dad, teachers, we won't because not squeeze the spare time to his beloved child to find remedial classes, and what the find what remedial classes and bothered the. What they need to do just have a mobile phone or a personal computer, we can use an easy job to do the construction site in the online teaching resources to learn, and we can according to different ages, different age levels to choose a different direction of professional courses, not only like this. To reduce the running time of parents everywhere, you can also save a lot of money, we need to do is to become a member to register an account on the site, sometimes you may need to spend very little money, can get the learning video resources are very rich, very effective to provide convenience for the user. And it says to the teacher is definitely greatly to their work faster, and more widely in teaching, they can come at any time and any place of education and learning to the Commission tabled, and able to consult students on these courses which reaction.

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