
    摘要:Unity是当今主流的一个游戏制作引擎,市面上使用此引擎做的游戏很多,是一款对游戏开发者非常友好的引擎。因此,本毕设是使用Unity引擎制作的一款原创游戏。本毕设是根据真实的城市街道场景制作的,拥有一定的游戏性要素。本毕设除了使用Unity,还使用了3ds Max和Photo Shop等软件。这两款软件分别负责了毕设中的模型制作与贴图制作。本毕设还是一款逃生类的游戏,玩家需要操控角色躲过怪物的追击,并且要收集场景中的所有宝箱才算通关。在制作毕设的过程中,遇到了不少制作上的问题和困难,通过讨论、查阅书籍和资料,克服了这些问题,同样也遗留了些问题。本毕设的完成度较高,基本实现了策划毕设时的主要游戏构想,完成了在游戏性、视觉性方面所提出的要求。50267

    毕业论文关键词: Unity;游戏;街道迷踪;C#;建模

    Lost in the City

    Abstract: Unity is a game engine which I learnt during the junior and senior. I created many projects with Unity game engine and I’m pretty good on developing games powered by Unity. So that I decided to finish my graduation project by Unity game engine. This graduation project also summed up my four years’ university life. I played a lot of games so the game I made is based on reality events. Because I always wanted to finish my graduation project as a game with real events and add some play abilities on it. Recently the gaming markets is filled with escaping horror games. By this chance I decided to develop an independent game on my own and inspired me to create this graduation project. During this building process, I met a lot of problems and difficulties and I delt with them well. In the end the project is completed as good as I wished it should be. This made me think I didn’t waste 2 years on Unity studying. And I’ve learnt a lot about the Unity game engine. This graduation project’s theme is “Lost in the city” powered by Unity” and as it is named as “Lost in the city”. It signals the game is about escaping and hope everyone will enjoy this game.

    Keywords: Unity; Games; Lost in the City; C#; Building Model


    摘要 i

    Abstract ii

    目录 iii

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 引言 1

    1.2 UNITY3D介绍 2

    1.2.1 Unity3D简介分析 2

    1.2.2 Unity3D特色 3

    1.3 C#语言介绍 3

    1.4 研究目的及意义 4

    2 Unity3D界面及基本操作 5

    2.1 屏幕布局 5

    2.2 在3D空间查找游戏对象 6

    2.3 创建游戏对象 7

    2.4 场景视图导航 7

    2.5 移动游戏对象 9


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