



    毕业论文关键词:python  计算机程序设计语言  论坛  数据库

    Forum design and realization based on python


    With the development of science and the application of technology and computer network.People's life and work become more and more intelligent, concise, and networking.They can spare more time to think about the rationalization of the surrounding s and wheather the things are effective . People want to pursue things which would be more fair and just. With the discussion and understanding each other deeply, the human civilization is approving highly . The philosophy of python's design is elegance, brief, strong applicability,and it is an advanced dynamic programming language that can meet the application requirements of developers well.

    This topic is used to develop BBS named The final use of donation in python and C + + language. Main purpose is to use python technology in donation record and tracking BBS, discussing the convenience and reform that BBS can take to users. This paper expounds the design and implementation of BBS of donations to track,emphasis on the BBS system analysis, the user's information preservation and communication, focusing on the analysis of development process and the solutions.

    Key Words: python computer programming language  forum  database 

    目  录

    摘 要 I

    Abstract II

    目  录 III

    表 清 单 IV

    引言 1

    第一章  绪论 2

    第二章  总体规划与设计 3

    2.1系统可行性分析 3

    2.1.2经济可行性分析 3

    2.2 开发语言python 3

    2.2.1 网站业务逻辑的开发 3

    2.3源代码的保密性 4

    2.4开发工具 4

    2.5.用户端 4

    第三章   系统总体方案的设计与实施 5

    3.1 pycharm进行网页的代码编写及运行 5

    3.2 Bootstrap为网页建构框架 5

    3.3页面风格的确定 5

    3.4 论坛页面的设计与制作 5

    3.5.网页元素的定位 6

    3.6.框架结构的选择 7

    3.7 网站的设计与制作 7

    3.8 sqlite数据库的建立及链接

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