

        本软件利用Eclipse作为开发平台,采用Java语言,Android SDK开发包和Eclipse开发工具开发,后台数据库使用Sqlite3设计,从而实现软件的基本功能,主要包括学习模块、复习模块、测试模块、生词模块以及设置模块等子模块功能。软件设计过程中,先是建立系统的结构框架,在此基础上进行数据库设计,然后就是详细设计阶段,测试阶段,最后形成达到设计要求的可行性系统。


    ABSTRACT: With widely using Android system, all kinds of the assisted learning software emerge in an endless stream for Android. Of course, One of the assisted learning software is the Reciting Words Software, which is the most popular software as a small software. Learners can make full use of their spare moment to study English words and  memorize English vocabulary by the Reciting Words Software which improves the efficiency of Memorizing Words, and so learners get away from the limit of space and time of learning words that they can truly study independently based on their own needs just about anytime and anywhere. “The Reciting Words Software based on Android platform” came into being.  

    This software uses Eclipse as a development platform, uses the Java language, Android SDK Development Kit and Development Tools for Eclipse to develop, uses Sqlite3 as database, so as to achieve the basic functions of the software which mainly includes learning modules, review modules, the modules of new words, test modules, setting modules and other sub-module functions. In the design process of software, establishing the structure of system framework at first, and then design database on this basis, after the detailed designation and the test phase, the system is formed. 

    Key words: Android, Eclipse, The Memorizing Words Software

    目    录

    1 背景 5

    1.1手机操作系统现状 5

    2 ANDROID手机软件开发原理技术简介 6

    2.1 ANDROID的系统架构 6

    2.2应用程序框架 7

    2.3构件块 9

    3 背单词软件的总体框架 10

    3.1需求分析 10

    3.2 UI设计 11

    3.3 数据流图 11

    3.4 软件的数据库模型设计 12

    3.5开发工具及开发环境 14

    4功能介绍及运行效果 15

    4.1 用户首页 15

    4.2 学习模块 19

    4.3 复习模块 20

    4.4 测试模块 28

    4.5 生词模块 29

    4.6 设置功能 31

    5 关键技术与代码 33

    5.1 ANDROID的TTS 33

    5.2 MVC模式

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