
    摘要:在这个信息飞速发展的时代,随着教育事业不断发展,对教师教育水平的检测越来越受到人们的关注,因此课堂教学评价系统的开发和应用,将起到起着非常重要的作用。本系统采用B/S操作方式就是能够使用信息的传输与处理,提供给用户网上交流与沟通的平台,基于这样的原则,构建了计科学院课堂教学评价系统网站。系统以ASP.NET语言为依托,使用SQL server2008作为系统的数据库,利用JavaScript作为脚本设计语言,采用Photoshop、CSS等样式美化界面。实现了该系统要求的基本功能。52106



    Abstract:In this rapidly developing age of information, the public are now paying more and more attention to the test of teacher’s teaching guality , along with the continuous improvement of our Education career. Therefore, it might play a very important role in educational field, if the Classroom Teaching Evaluation can be successfully developed and applied to educational practice. This system adopts the B/S operating mode which based on the principle that provide users with online communication platform by transmissing and processing the information to build a Classroom Teaching Evaluation website system of Computer Science Department . The system realized the basic function as it is based on ASP.NET language, uses SQL server2008 as database system, takes JavaScript as a script design language, adopts Photoshop and CSS style to beautify interface.

        This paper first introduces the present situation and the background of the Classroom Teaching Evaluation system in the Department of Computer Science. And then analyses the feasibility and necessity of this system. Additionally, it also introduces some basic functions the system needs. After a detailed analysis of the website, the paper simply describes the specific designs to each modules, and make sure the system can keep stable operation through general test analysis. At last, the paper gives a summary of the system and research prospects.

    Key words: ASP.NET , data statistics, Classroom teaching evaluation system


    1 背景 4

    1.1开发背景与现状 4

    1.2设计目标 6

    1.3开发意义 6

    1.4可行性分析 6

    2需求分析 7

    2.1研究方向和内容 7

    2.2系统功能分析 7

    2.3系统图 8

    2.4 数据库设计 9

    2.5 程序开发及运行环境 11

    3主要应用技术的简单介绍 11

    3.1 Microsoft Visual Studio 2010概述 11

    3.2 .NET简介 12

    3.3 SQL Server 2008 13

    4系统的设计与实现 13

    4.1学生登录及选择问卷模块 13

    4.2管理员登录及各模块 19


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