
    摘要: 随着时代的进步,社会的变迁,人类对网络的依赖越来越深,更多的人现在无法离开电脑,网络能帮住人类更快更方便的完成很多事情,其跨越了时间和空间的限制,我所研究的课题就是可以帮住人们更快的完成图书的订购,本课题是基于B/S模式的网络化的在线图书销售系统,采用C#语言,基于ASP.NET的设计,该系统具有用户注册,用户信息管理,图书查找,图书订购,购物车管理,管理员管理等功能。经过测试,实现了集书籍管理,网上订购等功能与一体的在线图书销售系统。52107


    毕业论文关键字: 图书销售,ASP.NET,C#

    Abstract: With the progress of time, social changes, humans depend on the network more and more, more and more people cannot leave computer now, networks can help humans live faster and more convenient to complete a lot of things , it across time and space limitations, my research topic is to help people live a faster completion of the order book , this paper is based on B / S mode network of online book sales system , using c # language, based on the design of ASP.NET. The system has a user registration, user information management, book search, order books, shopping cart management, administrator management, and other functions. After testing, to achieve a set of management books, online ordering capabilities and integration of online book sales system.

    Advantage of this system is that it can help people who like to read a more convenient search of their favorite books, they do not need help to go to complete the purchase of books, through the background login function, the administrator can faster and more convenient to manage books, news, break through the limitations of time and space, thus greatly reducing the online ordering and library management time. 

    Key words: Online book sales,ASP.NET, C#

     目    录

    1 前言 4

    1.1 课题背景 4

    1.2 设计目标 4

    1.3 设计意义 4

    2.系统开发环境介绍 4

    2.1 ASP.NET平台 4

    2.2 .NET Framework 5

    2.3 C# 5

    2.4 SQL Server 2005 5

    3 需求分析 6

    3.1 系统需求分析 6

    3.2 系统主要功能 6

    4 系统总体设计 6

    4.1 系统目标 6

    4.2 系统E-R图 7

    4.3 数据库的概念设计 7

    4.4 数据库逻辑结构设计 10

    5. 系统的详细设计 13

    5.1 登陆模块功能的实现 13

    5.2 会员注册功能的实现 14

    5.3 留言板功能的实现 16

    5.4 新闻信息模块功能的实现 18

    5.5 购物车功能模块的实现 19

    5.6 生成订单功能模块的实现

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