


    Abstract:The network curriculum is the sum of the teaching content and implementation of a subject through the network performance of teaching activities.In recent years, network curriculum as a important curriculum form get more and more attention,the educators who focus on the network teaching design, system design and other related problems during the network curriculum design, development and application of extensive and in-depth study, acquired abundant achievements in theoretical research and practice application.But with the new concept of HTML5, CSS3, JQuery and so on, is not difficult to find that there are many issues worthy of our serious consideration and make further discussion.Starting from the basic theory of network curriculum in junior high school, the "information technology" network curriculum and teaching requirements of users, from the aspects of interface design, design the overall structure and the function of each module of the development, and explain how to make the network course to achieve better teaching effect and keep up with the times and the pace of technology.

    Keywords:network course, design and development, information technology,teaching activities

    目  录

    1  课程开发的背景 4

    1.1  网络课程的优点 4

    1.2  网络课程的开发现状 5

    2 “信息技术”网络课程的教学设计 5

    2.1 “信息技术”网络课程的设计目标 5

    2.2 “信息技术”网络课程的设计分析 7

    3 “信息技术”网络课程的整体规划设计 9

    3.1 “信息技术”网络课程的界面设计 9

    3.2 “信息技术”网络课程整体框架结构及各模块功能简介 11

    4 “信息技术”网络课程的开发 13

    4.1  素材的准备 13

    4.2  功能模块的实现 14

    5  网络课程教学实践分析与改进 17

    结论 19

    参考文献 20

    致谢 211  课程开发的背景

    1.1  网络课程的优点


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