
    摘要: 随着科学技术的超高速发展,计算机已经非常广泛的应用于许许多多领域当中去了,而且日趋普及。比如在教育,军事,企业管理领域都极大的应用了计算机信息技术。而在医学领域内,人们也逐渐加大了计算机技术的应用,许多医疗设备都与计算机巧妙紧密结合在一起。计算机技术对医学领域的影响主要作用于两个方面:一是医疗设备智能化,这是以硬件为主的技术运用。另一种则是医院管理系统(HIS)的软件建设,是用以提高医院的现代化管理水平的。于是,本次毕业设计的主要任务是基于B/S形式,即Browser/Server(浏览器/服务器)结构,对C/S结构而言B/S是一种创新的结构。在这种结构下,用户界面完完全全的通过IE浏览器来完成面向对象的展示。B/S结构利用不断成熟和普及的浏览器技术实现了许多原来需要使用复杂专用软件才能实现的强大功能,这使得开发的难度大大降低,并极大的节约了开发的成本,是一种崭新的软件系统构造技术。利用JSP语句的高功能性再结合Microsoft SQL Server 2008后台数据库开发出来的“医院管理系统”,具有操作简单,安全保密等特点,可应用于国内的各种规模的医院。52409


    毕业论文关键词: HIS;JSP;SQL Server 2008

     Design And Implementation Of Administrative System For Hospital

    Abstract: With super high speed development of science and technology, computers are widely used in many fields, and the growing popularity of. For example in education, military, great application of computer information technology in the field of enterprise management. In the field of medicine, people have gradually increased the application of computer technology, medical equipment and computers and clever work closely together. Influence of computer technology to the field of medicine acts on two main aspects: first, intelligent medical devices, this is hardware-oriented technologies. Other is a hospital management system (HIS) software is used to enhance the management level. Thus, the main task of the graduation design is based on b/s forms, namely, Browser/Server structure, B/S is an innovative structure for the c/s structure. In this structure, the user interface is completely done by IE browser object-oriented show. B/s structure continues to mature and popular Web browser technology enables many of the original complex special software is required in order to achieve power, which makes development harder is greatly reduced, and greatly save development costs, is a completely new software system technology. Using JSP statement high functionality combined with Microsoft SQL Server 2008 database development out of "hospital management system", with a simple operation, security and so on, can be used in the country's hospitals of all sizes.

    This system includes hospitalization, discharge, transfer information, payment information, pharmaceutical management, expense reimbursement, and hospital personnel in seven modules can achieve patient admission information entry, delete and modify personnel as well as cost management and hospital information functions. However, 4 months of a comparatively short time, part I the system function is not perfect, has yet to be further modified and improved to make it more powerful, more simple operation, so as to better apply to.


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