摘要:现阶段关于安卓的英语单词学习软件发展不成熟,现有的关于单词学习软件中只是仅仅的单词翻译、查找、但是并没有相关的学习单词的计划,包括复习计划,记忆单词的水平测试等等,而自己设计的软件中是针对上述不足的基础上而设计的软件。突出强调学习者记忆的牢固性。该软件主要包括单词的学习功能、复习功能、测试功能和生词本。同时在这三个功能中感觉掌握的不牢固的单词学习者可以加入生词本。并且自己通过复习生词本强化记忆。同时学习者在复习阶段采用的是回想的方法强化记忆,同时在复习的过程中可以在生词本功能中加入生词,在复习中自己也增加了复习计划的功能,从而使学习单词的读者更好的布置自己的学习计划。在测试功能中,用户可以根据相应的章节进行测试,从而了解自己对于单词掌握的情况。生词本功能则有利于用户更好的掌握不熟悉的单词。【关 键 词】学习;复习;测试;便携性;记忆效率;实用性7657
the development of software in learning English words on android platform
Abstract:The English word at this stage on the Android learning software development is also on the initial stage,the existing English words learning about Android software was only translation of the word or search of the word, but it did not have vocabulary learning plan, including the plan review, memory word level test and so on . But the software which I design is based on the above-mentioned inadequate software. It highlight the firmness of the learning memory. The software contains learning function、 review function 、test function and words. In these three functions learns can can join the words into the notebook which they did not grasp firmly. While learners use recall to strengthen their memory in the review stage ,learners can also add words into the notebook while in the process of reviewing , at the same time I also increase the function of review alert , allowing readers have good layout of their learning program. In the test function, the user can test the corresponding chapters in order to understand their own situation of remembering word . The function of notebook is of benefit to the user with a better grasp of unfamiliar words.
【Key Words】Learn;review;test;portability; memory efficiency;practicality
摘要 i
Abstract ii
目录 iii
1 绪论 1
1.1 总述 1
1.2 安卓平台下的英语单词学习软件 1
1.3 论文研究的背景意义 2
1.4 论文的工作内容 2
2 相关技术介绍 3
2.1 安卓系统构架研究 3
2.2 应用程序框架 5
2.3 类库 6
2.4 安卓运行时组件 7
2.5 安卓应用的构成和工作机制 7
2.6 安卓的API 8
2.7 使用的开发工具及其相关介绍 9
2.8 数据库 10
3 系统功能的相关设计 12
3.1 现有英语单词学习软件分析 12
3.2 现有英语单词学习软件的不足 12
3.3 研究目标 13
3.4 系统功能需求 14
3.5 构建环境 15
3.6 主菜单的实现 15
3.7 单词学习功能的实现 16
3.8 单词复习功能的实现 16
3.9 单词测试功能的实现 16
3.10 写入生词本功能的实现 17
- 上一篇:VB小学数学运算测试系统的设计与实现
- 下一篇:数据挖掘在教学评价中的应用研究