
    摘 要:区域陆路交通优势度与经济发展水平之间具有密切的联系。本文在借鉴现有交通优势度研究成果基础上,完善了不受分析空间尺度大小影响的江苏省陆路交通优势度赋值测度法,尤其强调了高速公路的出入口个数、通达方向以及火车站的等级、个数与线路技术等级对陆路综合交通优势度的影响,结合GIS技术揭示陆路交通优势度与经济发展水平空间差异规律。并利用两系统协调度模型,测算了陆路交通优势度与经济发展水平的耦合协调关系。最后提出了促进江苏省陆路交通优势度与经济发展水平耦合协调发展的对策建议。研究结果表明:陆路综合交通优势度与经济发展水平均存在明显的空间分异现象。其中,低可达性县域和低经济发展水平县域占据主体部分,主要分布在交通基础设施建设条件相对较差的苏北苏中地区。全省交通优势度和经济发展水平总体较为协调,但苏北协调性相对较差。54529


    Abstract:The dominance of the land transport within the county is closely related to the level of economic development. This article is based on the findings of existing traffic advantages among the traffic researches of all areas, which perfects the valuation measurement method of the land transport dominance freeing from the analysis of spatial scale in Jiangsu province. Particularly, it stresses the number of the exit and entrance in highway, the directions and the rail station’s level, numbers and routine technology, which influence the comprehensive land transport dominance system. And the difference between the dominance of the land transport and the level of economic development is discovered by the GIS technology. You can measure the reconciliation between the dominance of the land transport and the level of economic if you apply the two systems above to regulate the model. Finally, it is time to put forward suggestions to advocate the development of the reconciliation between the dominance of the land transport and the level of economic in Jiangsu. Research shows that the Land comprehensive traffic dominance and economic development level are obvious spatial distribution regularity. Among them, the low accessibility county occupy the main body part and the low level of economic development, traffic infrastructure construction are mainly distributed in conditions of poor subei middle region. The traffic advantage degree and level of economic development of whole province is coordinated ,but  relatively poor in coordination.

    Keywords:road traffic advantage ,economic development level, coupling and coordination, Jiangsu province 

    目   录

    1  前言 4

    1.1 研究综述 4

    1.2 研究意义 4

    2  江苏省概况 5

    3  数据来源与研究方法 5

    3. 1数据来源 5

    3. 2交通优势度测算方法 5

    3. 3县域经济发展水平测算方法 7

    3. 4陆路交通优势度与经济发展水平耦合协调度测算方法 7

    3. 5空间分异分类方法 8

    4  测算结果分析 8

    4. 1江苏省陆路交通优势度空间分异规律 8

    4. 2经济水平空间分布差异规律 12

    4. 3陆路交通优势度与经济发展水平耦合关系

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