
    摘  要:本文介绍了一款手机游戏的设计与开发过程,它基于经典的俄罗斯方块,在保持趣性的同时增强了游戏的益智性。论文首先对游戏的开发平台Java ME和开发环境Eclipse + Wireless Toolkit做了相关介绍,之后探讨传统俄罗斯方块的规则,并在此基础上展示了游戏的创新方面。接着对整体的设计框架进行了描述,并对游戏操作模块、得分存储、排序和更新模块进行了详细介绍。最后,将整个设计中所有的类的关系进行了总结,测试时的截图也一并展示。由于考虑到日后系统的功能将不断扩充,因此游戏采用了可扩展的框架设计,增强了灵活性,也便于维护。54598

    毕业论文关键词:Java ME,俄罗斯方块,手机游戏

    Abstract: This paper introduces the designing and developing process of a cell phone game. The game is based on the classic Tetris and became more educational and entertaining. First, there are some introductions of the development platform and the development environment: Java ME and Eclipse + Wireless Toolkit. Later, some discussions about the rules of the Tetris are followed. The innovation aspects of this game are all based on these discussions. Then it describes the framework of the whole system, and the modules of operating interface, storage, sorting and updating of scores are also introduced in detail. Finally, the relationships between all the classes in the entire system are summarized. Screenshots of program testing are also in this paper. On the thought of all the possible expansions in the future, the framework of the game is designed extendible. Thus, this system can be more flexible and maintenances are easier.

    Keywords:java me,tetris,cell phone games

    目  录

    1  引言 4

    2  开发环境 4

    2.1  Java ME简介 4

    2.2  Eclipse与Wireless Toolkit介绍 5

    3  游戏设计 6

    3.1  传统俄罗斯方块游戏规则 6

    3.2  传统游戏中的方块说明 6

    3.3  游戏创新 8

    3.4  游戏框架设计 10

    4  游戏操作模块 13

    4.1  生成方块和判断翻转 14

    4.2  左右移动与消除计分 16

    4.3  游戏音效 17

    5  得分储存、排序与更新模块 18

    5.1  数据存储与排序 18

    5.2  更新数据 19

    6  系统实现与测试 20

    6.1  类的继承与调用 20

    6.2  测试截图与说明 23

    结论 28

    参考文献 29

    致谢 30

    1  引言



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