
    摘要:本项目主要面对具有一定规模、需要提高点餐效率的餐厅和酒店。使用手机进行无线点餐能体现餐厅现代化气氛、改进客人就餐环境,从而借此提高餐厅或者酒店的经济效益。此项目不会占用太大的预算,并能尽量沿用原有的成熟技术,与原有的系统进行良好的整合。利用手机客户端进行点餐、结算等一系列操作,从而提高餐厅运营效率,达到减少人力成本的目的。本方案包括后台数据库服务器、Web 服务器、无线网络,Android点餐软件等部分组成。使用Mysql作为数据库、java作为底层开发语言,Tomcat作为服务器实现。55767


    Abstract:This project is designed for restaurants or bars which have a certain scale and the need to improve the efficiency of ordering. Using phone as a wireless tool to make a order, which can reflect the modern atmosphere in the restaurant and improve the guests dining environment. So, it can help restaurants or bars to enhance economic benefits. This project does not take up too much of the budget, and can follow the existing mature technologies, and good integration with legacy systems. It uses the mobile client to do a series of actions, such as ordering, billing, so as to improve the efficiency of restaurant operations and achieve the purpose of reducing labor costs. The programme covers a back-end database server, a web server wireless network, a Android software and other components. It also uses Mysql as the database, and Java as the underlying development language and Tomcat as server.

    Keywords:meal, efficiency, android, servers, databases

    目  录

    1 引言 4

    1.1项目背景 4

    1.2本文所做的工作 4

    1.3论文的组织结构 4

    2 系统需求分析 5

    2.1需求分析 5

    3 系统项目架构 7

    3.1系统物理架构 7

    3.2技术选型 7

    4 数据库设计 8

    4.1数据库设计步骤 8

    4.2数据库E-R图 9

    4.3数据库逻辑设计 11

    4.4连接数据库 13

    5 客户端的设计与实现 15

    5.1 客户端的总体设计思路 15

    5.2登录模块Android客户端实现 16

    5.3 Android客户端程序主菜单实现 18

    5.4点餐功能Android客户端实现 19

    5.5查台和并台功能Android客户端实现 22

    5.6更新功能 24

    5.7注销与结账 25

    6 服务器端程序的设计与实现 27

    6.1服务器端主要功能 27

    6.2服务器端程序的设计思路 27

    6.3服务器端程序具体功能与实现 28

    7 总结 29

    7.1本文工作 29

    7.2进一步的研究工作 29

    结束语 30


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