


    Abstract: With the rapid growth of information needs, the traditional mode of information exchange has been unable to meet the needs of large amounts of information processing and transmission services. The network technology to the daily management of the company's increasingly strong voice to the office network management application procedures came into being, that is, office automation management system that significant advantages: it enables automated management of demand, improve the company's management level; send information to greatly reduce the time of each department to ensure effective use of information to enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises. The graduation project is to design and implement a web-based office systems, the system is pided into three functional modules: general manager, department managers and employees modules. Development based system is J2EE, framework using struts + spring + Hibernate framework and other frameworks. Development tools are MyEclipse, the database is MySQL, the development of language JAVA, JSP pages using technology. The system interface is simple and easy to be operated.

    Keywords: information needs, office systems, corporate functions, JAVA


    1  绪论 5

    1.1  课题研究的背景 5

    1.2  课题研究的意义 5

    2  平台介绍 6

    2.1  系统的开发环境 6

    2.2  数据库 6

    2.3  Tomcat 6

    3  系统总体设计 6

    3.1  功能需求 6

    3.2  系统开发的思想和技术 7

    3.3  总体功能模块 7

    3.4  总经理功能模块 8

    3.5  部门经理功能模块 8

    3.6  普通员工功能模块 9

    3.7  系统业务描述 9

    4  数据库设计 10

    4.1  数据库表结构和E-R图 10

    4.2  数据库表结构信息表 11

    5  系统实现 14

    5.1  登录模块的实现和代码 14

    5.2  后台总经理模块的实现和代码 15

    5.3  前台部门经理模块的实现和代码 25

    5.4  前台普通员工模块的实现和代码

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