

    本文阐述了在线手机销售系统的设计与实现.设计采用JSP网站开发技术,使用Mysql数据库作为网站的后台数据库. 在页面设计与制作中,页面以HTML语言框架为基础,详细的设计用Dreamweaver及MyEclipse实现.系统实现了客户的注册登录、浏览手机信息并查询、订单的填写以及管理员后台对网站的维护与更新.56857



    Abstract:With the popularity of the Internet, online shopping has advantages of the more prominent, has increasingly become an important way of shopping. A branch of mobile phone online shopping system is the network shopping, is an important part of network shopping.

    This paper describes the design and implementation of online sales of mobile phone systems. JSP website development technology is adopted in the design, use the Mysql database as website backstage database. In Web Design and production, page based on the HTML language framework, detailed design using Dreamweaver and MyEclipse. The system realized the customer login, browse and query information of mobile phone, fill orders and administrator acquired on the website maintenance and update.

    In the online shopping as a background for analysis, so as to determine the functionality of the site, and refinement, split into several functional modules; and then the design and implementation of each module, and finally integrated into a complete shopping site.

    Keywords:HTML,JSP,Java,Online mobile phone shopping,Internet


    1 引言 4

    2 需求分析 4

    2.1 功能需求 4

    2.2 功能划分 4

    2.3 功能描述 4

    3 概要设计 6

    3.1 网站的总体结构设计 6

    3.2 网站的总体功能设计 6

    4 软件的详细设计与编码 6

    4.1 数据库设计 6

    4.2 网站各模块功能的具体实现 12

    5 网站的调试与实施 24

    5.1 系统测试原理 24

    5.2 系统测试原则 25

    5.3 系统测试的方法 25

    结论 26

    参考文献 27

    致谢 28

    1  引言



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