




     The Chinese pinyin learning system design based on android platform


    Nowadays, with the development of the Internet, the way people access to information is also varied. Among them, the smart phone is also usher in a golden period of development; smartphone plays increasingly important role in people's lives. People can communicate with people through mobile phones, mobile phone payment of property charges, through learning software, learning, etc., which greatly reduces the learning time and increasing the efficiency, but also greatly enrich people's social life.

    In this paper, we are in the education of the Internet, based on the research and development of a learning Pinyin APP, registered users can log on to the APP, the way through the game to learn Pinyin, Pinyin software can make use of voice exercises to help users learn Chinese. This design is about the use of Java development tools for this purpose, design the corresponding function module. 

    This design is mainly to complete the download and install the android app, registered login, Chinese pinyin learning, adding bookmarks, voice software calls, personal information management, and other functions. Tested mainly realize the function of account management, Chinese learning function, bookmarks, pinyin learning function and the registered user information management function.

    KEY WORDS: Smart Phones; Android;Java;Pinyin learning software;


    摘要 2

    第1章  绪论 6

    1.1 选题背景 6

    1.2 课题研究现状 6

    1.3 研究内容 7

    1.4 主要设计思路 7

    第2章  开发环境介绍 9

    2.1 什么是Android 9

    2.2 Android的优势 9

    2.3 Android的不足 10

    2.4 Android带来的影响 10

    2.4.1 对消费者的影响 10

    2.4.2 对手机制造商的影响 11

    2.4.3 对运营商的影响 11

    2.5 JAVA介绍 11

    2.6 Android的系统架构 12

    2.7 Android内核 14

    2.8 Lib和运行环境 14

    2.8.1 Lib

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