
    摘要: 图书管理系统是一个为图书馆里各种日常事务提供在线、便捷的执行能力而开发的电子化的项目。该系统同时为管理人员与读者服务,因此需要有辨识用户的能力,并对不同的用户呈现不同的界面。现有的图书管理系统,往往由于设计不合理,导致性能低下,主页上功能堆砌,结构混乱,用户体验感差。作为一个B/S系统,如何在满足功能需求的同时,保持良好的页面结构是一个难题。本系统最终采用MVC三层架构,将系统分为表示层、业务逻辑层和数据持久层三层单独开发并实现,以保证系统架构的清晰合理。另外,本系统为单页面应用,力求在保证功能的同时,提供精美的用户界面。实现过程中选用JavaEE平台下的组合框架Struts2+Spring+Hibernate,具有轻量级,低侵入,开源免费等优点。57637

    毕业论文关键词: 管理系统;B/S系统;JavaEE;SSH;MVC三层模型

    A Lightweight Library Management System 

    Which is Base on JavaEE

    Abstract: Library management system is a project which aims in developing a computerized system to provide a online convenient way for all kinds of work of library.As the system serves librarians and readers at same time, it is supposed to be capable to identify users and provide different views to different users. Because of the unreasonable design, many existing library management systems have a low performence, and their front-pages which are messed up by too many functions can not satisfy their users. It is a problem to satisfy the functions and keep a good structure of pages for a Browser-Server system. This system used MVC pattern eventually, it was separated into User Interface Layer, Business Logic Layer and Data access layer, each layer developed separately to guarantee a good project structure. Meanwhile, it is a single-page application which can provide functions in a wonderful user interface. To implement this system, I choose Struts2, Spring and Hibernate which are lightweight open source frameworks on JavaEE platform.

    Keywords: Management System; Browser-Server System; JavaEE; SSH; MVC pattern


    摘要 i

    Abstract i

    目录 ii

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 课题研究的背景及意义 1

    1.2 国内外研究现状 1

    1.3 本课题的研究内容和论文结构 2

    1.4 本课题的创新点 2

    2 图书管理系统的需求分析 3

    2.1 系统功能需求 3

    2.1.1 用户端功能需求 3

    2.1.2 管理端功能需求 3

    2.2 系统性能需求 4

    2.2.1 界面力求简洁大方,吸引力强。 4

    2.2.2 用户体验感好。 4

    2.2.3 安全性强。

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