
    摘要: 运用各种工具完成游戏场景及相关造型设计,再根据几年来学习程序开发的经验,结合现有的技术,设计一个基于C++语言的游戏《迪斯尼消消乐》,目的在于希望能够庆祝一下迪斯尼乐园开园,以及对消除类游戏有所创新,增强游戏的可玩性和娱乐性。在完成毕业设计的过程中遇到了很多的困难,经过一系列的学习和研究,最后游戏得以运行,但是因为对引擎运用的不熟悉以及一些技术的问题,很多功能并没有实现。经过了这次毕设以后,让我明白了制作一个游戏的困难,一个人如果需要完成一个很全面完整的游戏需要的东西太多,需要绝对足够的技术、足够的经验以及足够的提前准备,查找资料就是很重要的一点,还要经过不断的修改和调试,才能完成,其中的过程非常艰辛,所以我们需要持之以恒,不断的学习。58067

    毕业论文关键词: 迪斯尼消消乐;消除类游戏;C++

    “Elimination Game Of Disney” Game Design Based On C++

    Abstract: Use all kinds of tools to finish the game scene and related design, according to a few years to learn to program development experience, combined with the existing technology, design a game based on based on C++ language "Elimination Game Of Disney", purpose is to hope to be able to celebrate Disneyland opened, innovate, and to eliminate games increase the playability of the game and entertainment. In the process of complete the graduation design has met many difficulties, after a series of study and research, finally the game to run, but because not familiar with on the use of the engine and some technical problems, a lot of function is not implemented. After this project, let me see a difficult game, if a person need to complete a very complete game need too much, need absolute enough technology, enough experience and enough preparation in advance, to find the information is very important, but also through continuous modification and debugging, to complete, the process is very difficult, so we need to perserve, continuous learning.

    Keywords: Elimination Game Of Disney; Elimination Game; C++


    摘要 i

    Abstract i

    目录 ii

    1 绪论 2

    1.1 课题的目的和意义 2

    1.2 国内外研究现状与水平 2

    1.3 发展趋势 3

    2 游戏平台 4

    2.1 手机游戏 4

    2.2 COCOS2D-X游戏引擎 4

    3 游戏设计 5

    3.1 游戏概念 5

    3.2 游戏目标 5

    3.3 游戏规则 5

    4 本课题的基本内容、重点、难点 6

    4.1 本课题的基本内容 6

    4.1.1 游戏界面 6


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