


    Design and Implementation of Code Binding Function of Internet Business Platform for Internet of Things

    Abstract Now  the Internet of things show great impacts on our society, as well as the combination of things and electronic business platform, so the requirement to bind each electronic business BtoC  platform commodity to a two-dimension material code is increasing. For satisfy this requirement, this paper is about the analysis, design, implementation and testing of the module of binding commodity items to such codes for business side on an EC platform. The system is developed by using B/S architecture, with WAMP as the main framework, and the tool of PhpStorm including. The main functions of the business management, shop management, commodity management, order management, etc. After testing, the system runs well, and fullfills the intended target. The development and implementation of such system, can change the traditional online shopping model, improve the reliability of online shopping, and increase the trust between business side and custormer side.

    Keywords: Internet of Things; Electronic Business Platform; Binding item to code

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  物联网背景及与电子商务结合的研究意义 1

    1.1.1  物联网背景 1

    1.1.2  物联网与电子商务结合研究意义、创新点及应用前景 2

    1.2  物联网在国内外研究现状 2

    1.2.1  物联网研究现状 2

    1.2.2  物联网与电子商务结合的研究现状 3

    2  系统分析 3

    2.1  可行性分析 3

    2.2  需求分析 3

    2.2.1  人员需求分析 3

    2.2.2  业务需求分析 4

    2.3  业务流程分析 4

    2.3.1  业务流程分析的工具和技术选择 4

    2.3.2  业务流程分析结果 4

    2.4  数据流程分析 6

    2.4.1  数据流程分析的工具选择 6

    2.4.2  顶层数据流程图 7

    2.4.3  零层数据流程图 7

    2.4.4  零层分解数据流程图 8

    3  系统设计 10

    3.1  系统总体结构设计 10

    3.1.1  物联网电商平台系统结构拓扑设计 10

    3.1.2  管理信息软件功能结构设计

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