
    摘 要:现代信息技术的蓬勃发展,网上购物也方兴未艾。网上购物具有传统的购物方式无法比拟的优点,使人们足不出户就可以买到自己喜欢的商品,并且更加省钱。同时对于商人来说电子商务这一新型企业模式更是方便了交易方式,解决了远距离难交易这一问题,更是带动了快递行业的发展。58818

    本论文介绍了网上药店管理系统设计与开发的全过程,按照软件工程的思想设计的 。包括需求分析、系统总体设计、系统详细设计等功能。本系统采用了模块化设计方法,根据用户的需求以及程序的应用与维护的方便性,将系统各个部分置于不同的模块当中,大致分为用户模块与管理员模块。用户模块:用户管理注册后,进行一系列的浏览等操作,购买自己喜欢的商品。管理员模块:系统管理包括商品管理,会员管理,订单管理等功能。实现网上购买药品和管理人员管理药品。

    毕业论文关键词: 网上购物,需求分析,模块

    Abstract:The vigorous development of modern information technology, online shopping is also in the ascendant.Online shopping has the advantage of what traditional shopping methods can not match,people can  buy their favorite products stay at home , and save more money.While, this new business model e-commerce is a more  Convenience  transaction for businessmen, to solve the long-distance trade in this difficult issue, and led the development of the courier industry.

         This paper describes the whole process that design and development of online pharmacies management system , and design by the idea of software engineering .Including requirements analysis, system design, system detailed design and other functions.The system uses a modular design approach, depending on the application and maintenance of the user's needs and the convenience of the program,put  the inpidual parts of the system in different modules, pided into user module and administrator module.User modules: After users managing and  registering, a series of browsing and other operations, and then ,They can buy their favorite products.Administrator modules: system management, including merchandise management, membership management, order management, and other functions. Implement online purchase of medicines and management personnel management drugs.

    Keywords:Online shopping, demand analysis,modules

    目   录

    1  系统概述 1

    1.1  选题背景 1

    1.2  课题目的和意义 2

    1.3  开发设计思想 2

    1.4  开发目标 2

    1.5 系统开发平台及数据库技术 3

    2  需求分析 4

    2.1  系统功能分析 4

    2.2  可行性分析 5

    3  系统设计概要 6

    3.1  后台管理模块设计与分析 7

    3.2  前台用户模块设计与分析 7

    4  系统详细设计 8

    4.1  前台用户模块功能设计 9

    4.2  后台管理员模块功能设计 14

    4.3  数据库设计 16

    5  测试部署 19

    5.1  测试方法 19

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