



    Abstract   With the development of the society the life of people pressure increases gradually,the People's Daily has dramatically accelerated the pace of life,this is the reason why lead to the lack of time, fewer and fewer in face-to-face communication between people.However,man is a gregarious creature,man is desire to have the company of others at any time, this company is not only material, more important is spiritual.Under the big background of various communications equipment began to emerge,all kinds of to communicate cross-platform software more and more, function also more and more perfect.Through the social platform of communication also gradually become an indispensable part of people's lives.On this platform,people can not only spiritual communication, more can work through this platform to buy things, and so on.This kind of new way of life greatly improved the quality of life of modern human, so this kind of exchange platform will become developing direction of human society.

         This paper introduces the baking based on WeChat public platform management system is to use Java language developmen,joint JSP technology, using the Eclipse development platform and database used to realize the design of the system.First of all from the background of system to analyze it to demonstrate the function of the design;Then the detailed system design method and step;Then development system is introduced in this paper about the required to possess the basic technology and simple explain its principle;Finally the system is described in detail the realization of each function module.

    Key words: WeChat public; platform; MySQL Java

    目 录

    第一章 引言 1

    1.1课题背景 1

    1.2项目开发的目的 1

    1.3可行性分析 2

    1.3.1技术可行性 2

    1.3.2经济可行性 2

    1.3.3社会可行性 2

    第二章 技术及开发工具介绍 3

    2.1  JSP 3

    2.2  JDBC简介 3

    2.3  Eclipse 4

    2.4  MVC模式 5

    2.5  本章小结 5

    第三章 系统需求分析

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