

    会务综合管理系统是一个典型的信息管理系统,我使用JSP+SQL Server 2000制作,服务器使用tomcat5.0。不同用户有不同权限,管理员和会员可对系统进行不同的操作。本系统界面友好、实用、操作简单,主要具有用户管理(注册、登录)、房间预订,会议室预订,会议人数统计、订单查询及取消等模块,能满足会务管理的实际要求,使管理员能够对人员和订单进行管理以及会员自主完成房间及会议室的预订。


    毕业论文关键词  会务管理  JSP 数据库


    Title    The conference integrated management system                     


    As the name suggests, the meaning of the conference is for conference services.Conference management is the important work to ensure a meeting carried out satisfactorily.Conference management system is mainly used for the unified management of the units participating in the meeting. The meeting place, participants, staff accommodation and other elements are  overall planed to make it more efficient and convenient to implement.One of the major purpose of this system is to let the the conduct of business to be more automated, the participating persons can be complete autonomy, so as to reduce the administrator’s job, and to improve the efficiency.Management of digital information for the conference will be based on the actual requirements of the integrated management for the meeting, designed to complete a conference management system, the system is simple,flexible, practical,including conference accommodation management, personnel management, allocation conference venue process, so as to achieve the purpose to improve the conduct of business management efficiency.

    This is a typical information management system,using the JSP technology and SQL Server 2000 database as a tool for the development,and the server is Tomcat5.0.According to different permissions, administrators, and members can carry out different operations.Departure from the simple, beautiful interface, flexible and practical user requirements, the system has a user management (registration, login), room booking, meeting room booking, counting the number of participants,inquiring and canceling orders and other modules to meet the basic conference management need, enable administrators to manage Member and order  as well as members complete autonomy room and chamber reservations..

    This article mainly introduced the process of designing and completing of the system, focusing on the design concept of the system, as well as the function of the system.

    Keywords  Conference management   JSP  Database

    1  引言 8

    1.1  选题背景 9

    1.2  国内外现状 9

    1.3  可行性分析 9

    1.4  论文框架 10

    2  需求分析

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