
    摘要移动设备的迅猛发展极大的解决了便携性的问题。用户可以用手机移动应用完成很多以往需要PC机才能完成的任务。这样的改变让用户时间的分配可以更小块化,零碎化。这样的改变对一些需要重复记忆,多次记忆的知识的学习是十分有利的。本应用是驾考练习应用,完全可以帮助用户多次重复练习驾考试题,让用户在上班过程中,等待过程中都可以练习。本应用开发的目的平台是Android,基于Java语言,使用的开发工具是Android SDK ADT Bundle,针对的SDK版本是Android2.2及以上。通过顺序练习,随机练习,强化练习,模拟考试以及错题库来帮助用户通过驾照理论考试。59667

    毕业论文关键词:  Android  驾考软件  数据库   模拟考试


    Title    Designed and Realization of the phone Software about  Theory test in the Driving Test                                  

    Abstract The development of mobile device resolves the issue about portability. The client may use the application on their cellphones to complete the tasks used to require the work of PCs. This trend enables people to arrange their time in smaller parts. This trend also benefits the studying of knowledge requiring requires time and repetition. This application is about exam in a driving test. It helps you take and review the test questions, which enable the user to learn about the test everywhere at any time. The target platform is Android, which is based on JAVA. The developing tool is Android SDK ADT Bundle. The target version is Android 2.2 or above. Through practice in order, practice in random,enhanced practice, model test and wrong topic practice, the user would be more likely to pass the exam.

    Keywords:  Android  Application about Driving Test   Database  Model Test


    1  引言 1

    1.1  Android介绍 1

    1.2  课题背景 3

    1.3  开发工具介绍 3

    系统分析 4

    2.1  项目开发目标 4

    2.2  需求分析 4

    2.2.1  顺序练习 4

    2.2.2  随机练习 5

    2.2.3  强化练习 5

    2.2.4  模拟考试 5

    2.2.5  错题库 5

    2.2.5  设置 5

    3  系统设计 6

    3.1  概要设计 6

    3.2  数据库设计 7

    3.3  UI界面设计 8

    3.3.1  XML语言 8

    3.3.2  界面设计 8

    4  前期开发 10

    4.1  界面开发 10

    4.2  系统概要 13

    5  系统开发 15

    5.1  DBHelper类 15

    5.2  DBAdapter类 15

    5.3  DrivingBest主页面 17

    5.4  WrongSetShowList错题库模块

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