


    毕业论文关键词    邮件    Web技术    SMTP    POP3    JavaMail


    Title  Based on B/S structure of the mail system client implementation                                                               


    Web technology has not previously so developed, people send and receive messages using the basic C / S structure of the software, thus limiting the people can not send and receive messages anytime, anywhere, it is very inconvenient. Now with Web technologies and development of Internet technology, B / S structure of the mail system application and health, more and more people rely on B / S mode mail send and receive mail, so that people will not only facilitate the operation, and greatly improving the efficiency of people communicate, so that you can send and receive mail anytime.

    This paper analyzes the JavaMail implementation principles, and in the SMTP and POP3 protocols studied on the basis of receiving mail and sending mail works, and explains how to implement the system using Java-related technologies mainly do a mail server based on third party management system, which provides users with an online writing messages, Inbox, Sent, have read, add contacts and other functions. User first enters the system in advance on 163 or sina registered user name and password and cooperate with relevant POP3 and SMTP server to log on. System uses JavaBean + Servlet + JSP to achieve, background database using MySQL.

    Keywords  Mail    Web Technologies    SMTP    POP3    JavaMail

    1 引言 1

    1.1 选题目的和意义 1

    1.2 国内外研究现状 2

    1.3 主要工作 2

    2 系统开发相关技术 4

    2.1 SERVLET简介 4

    2.2 JAVABEAN简介 4

    2.3 JSP简介 4

    2.4 MVC简介 5

    2.5 JAVAMAIL研究 5

    2.5.1 JavaMail简介 5

    2.5.2 JavaMail安装 5

    2.5.3 JavaMail详解 6

    2.6 电子邮件相关协议介绍 7

    2.6.1 SMTP介绍 7

    2.6.2 POP3介绍 8

    2.6.3 IMAP介绍

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