
    摘要: 随着餐饮业的蓬勃发展,人类对餐饮的要求也越来越高,急需规范化、自动化管理,瀚网在线点餐及配送服务系统的设计目的就是为了满足人们的这一需求。设计选用C#语言,基于Win7系统,运用ASP.NET技术和SQL 数据库,设计了在线点餐及配送服务系统。系统基于B/S模式,分别为前台销售和后台管理两部分;前台设计旨在为顾客提供订餐服务和站内动态消息;后台设计旨在管理者对菜品的添加删除功能和分配相应任务给员工,员工也可以登陆自己的后台账号查看自己的任务信息情况。为了将我们的位置信息更好的呈现给用户,设计中特地使用了动态地图,此动态地图调用百度地图API,让用户在最短的时间内获取“地点”,“路线”两个信息点,从而增强网站与用户的交互性。在线点餐服务系统服务于大众,具有高效率的特性,必将深受大众信赖。61904

    毕业论文关键词: 在线系统;点餐服务;B/S模式;配送服务;动态地图

    Design of Han Net online Ordering and Distribution Services System 

    Abstract:  With the vigorous development of the catering industry, humans are increasingly high requirements for food and beverage whose standardization and automation management, Han network online ordering and delivery service system is to meet the needs of people. Design selection of C# language, based on the Win7 system, the use of ASP.NET technology and SQL database are made of the design of the online ordering and distribution service system. System based on B/S mode, respectively into two parts, foreground and background sales management. The front design provides ordering service stations and dynamic message for the customer and the background design aimed at managers of dishes add, delete function and distribution of the corresponding task to the delivery guy. The delivery guy can also landed into his background account to view their task information. In order to better our location information presented to the user, design specially uses the dynamic map called Baidu map API, which allowing users to obtain the "location" and "route" in the shortest time. Thereby enhances interactivity between website and user. Online ordering service system with high efficiency characteristics to serve the public will be deeply trusted by the public.

    Keywords: Online system; ordering services; B/S Mode; Delivery Service; Dynamic map


    摘要 i

    Abstract i

    目录 ii

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 系统开发的背景与意义 1

    1.1.1 系统开发的背景 1

    1.1.2 系统开发的意义 2

    1.1.3 系统开发的目标 2

    1.2 国内外现状 3

    1.3 基础技术 3

    1.3.1 ASP.NET 3

    1.3.2 C# 4

    1.3.3 SQL Server 4

    1.3.4 VS 2008 5

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