

    关键词  文本挖掘   情感分类   商品评论   特征抽取


    Title        Mining and Summarizing Customer Reviews   on the E-commerce Websites                            


    As e-commerce is becoming more and more popular recent years, people buying products on the Web are often asked to review the products that they have purchased for others to reference. In this research, we aim to mine and to summarize all the customer reviews of a product and show them in chats for merchants and customers to get the information of products easily. This summarization task is different from traditional text summarization because we only mine the features of the product on which the customers have expressed their opinions and we show the results in chats. Our task is performed in three steps: (1) mining product features that have been commented on by customers; (2) identifying opinion sentences in each review and deciding whether each opinion sentence is positive or negative; (3) summarizing the results. Finally, Our experimental results using reviews of a number of products sold online demonstrate the effectiveness of the techniques.

    Keywords  Text mining, Sentiment classification, Products’ reviews, Feature extraction

    1 概述 5

    1.1 研究背景 5

    1.2 研究目的 5

    2 相关工作 6

    2.1 主题类型分类 7

    2.2 情感分类 7

    2.3 文本总结 8

    2.4 术语挖掘 9

    3 系统设计与实现 9

    3.1 获取评论 10

    3.2 分句与词性标注(POS) 11

    3.3 高频特征识别 12

    3.3.1 高频率特征 12

    3.3.2 Apriori算法 13

    3.3.3 剪枝 15

    3.4 观点词汇提取

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