
    摘要随着网络技术和网络规模的不断发展及广泛应用,其开放性、便利性、共享性、交互性等特点也引起了日趋严重的网络安全问题。网络隐通道作为隐蔽信道在网络通信中的一种特殊表现,由于其特殊隐蔽性吸引了广大研究者的兴趣。本论文在Windows平台下,通过利用TCP首部空闲字段——Urgent Pointer(紧急位指针),构造一个网络隐蔽通道,能够在正常网络数据流中发送和接收隐蔽数据。完成的主要工作如下:60146





    (5)利用Urgent Pointer构造隐蔽信道与其他方案进行信道容量对比分析。

    毕业论文关键词  信息隐蔽信道  TCP首部空闲字段  网络信息隐藏


    Title Design and Implementation of Network Covert Channel Based On the TCP Header Idle Field


    With the development and wide application of Internet technology , Internet brings the characteristics such as convenience, openness, interactivity and sharing which also causes increasingly serious security problem of the network.As a special performance in network communication, network Covert Channels has special covertness and it attract researchers’ interests. This thesis, under Windows platform, by utilizing the TCP header idle field - Urgent Pointer, construct a network covert channel that can send and receive normal network data stream hidden data.The main research results are as follows:

    (1)Collate and summarize the related technologies about network Covert Channels.

    (2)Research and analysis the needs of the project.

    (3)Analysis the feasibility programs that use TCP header idle field to construct network covert channel .

    (4)On Windows platform, programming realization of each functional module.

    (5)Urgent Pointer bit structure covert channel with other programs,comparative analysis the channel capacity.

    Keywords  Information Covert Channel  TCP Header Idle Field   Network Information Hiding


    1 绪论 1

    1.1 信息隐藏技术的概念 1

    1.2 信息隐蔽技术的分类 2

    1.3 信息隐藏技术的研究现状及应用 3

    1.4 论文主要内容及结构安排 4

    2 网络隐蔽信道 4

    2.1 网络隐蔽信道定义 4

    2.2 网络隐蔽信道分类 5

    2.3 网络隐蔽信道模型 5

    2.4 TCP中隐蔽信道的可行性研究 6

    2.5 基于Urgent位的隐蔽信道设计 7

    3 系统相关的核心技术介绍 8

    3.1 驱动开发平台搭建及运行环境配置 8

    3.2 NDIS网络驱动概述 9

    3.3 NDIS中间层驱动 10

    3.3.1 NDIS中间层驱动技术特点 10

    3.3.2 NDIS中间层驱动模型分析 10

    3.3.3 协议与网卡的绑定与卸载过程 11

    3.3.4 NDIS中间层驱动的入口与绑定

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