


    关键词客户关系   客户满意度   客户信息管理   需求预测    系统管理模块设计


    Title    Customer Relationship Management System Design of Jiuyi  Corporation                                  

    Abstract With the growing market economy improved, the technology develops at a very fast speed, we have now entered an era of a buyer's market, choice of space expand, channels of purchase widen, consumptive mentality and the purchase become more mature. so that customers no longer maintain absolute loyalty to a enterprise or a product blindly. In such severe circumstances, how can we continue to improve the relationship between customer and , have more customers, improve customers’ satisfaction; how to seize the opportunity in the increasingly fierce market competition, to have a greater market share,How to establish a highly efficient business processes, reduce operating costs, gain more profit, each of these enterprises have become the most important issue to face.

    Enterprises, which want to put themselves in an invincible position must find out a new management concept and management approaches, and effectively integrate its internal and external resources. A new generation of ERP product extends to the client side and the supply end, client side extension is the customer relations management. Each enterprise customer management perfect degree directly affects the economic efficiency. This combined with the actual production and sales of Jiuyi, respectively, from customer satisfaction, customer information management, demand forecasting, and system management module design, to explore the company's customer relationship management system (CRM) functionality required.

    Keywords  Customer relationship management  Customer satisfaction Customer information management    Demand forecasting   System management module design   

    1.0  绪论 1

    1.1  研究背景与意义 1

    1.2  公司介绍 2

    1.3  国内外相关研究及发展趋向  2

    1.4  可行性分析  3

    2.0  久一重工客户信息与客户分类 4

    2.1   客户等级分类 4

    2.2   客户信息卡设计 5

    3.0   久一重工客户满意度 8

    3.1  久一公司客户满意度调查问卷8

    3.2  久一重工客户满意度指数CSI模型及其计算11

    3.3  久一重工客户满意度指数计算举例15

    4.0  久一重工客户需求预测 16

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