




    2)建立基于UML的社团网站系统的需求建模与分析。 结合社团网站的开发需求,采用用例图对社团网站的角色与用例展开建模与分析,有助于网站中业务角色间的交互分析及需求表达。 



    毕业论文关键词  社员网站系统,UML,网站设计,建模技术


    Title  A society website system Modeling and Designing Based on UML


    Society website is an important platform for academic community sector social organizations to carry out academic exchanges and transaction management. Taking into account society website with interactive, complex business management, strong operational processes normative, fast information updating and high output, modeling society website like that very need for an specification software engineering means to model and design.

    Taking into UML and its related technologies have ability, scalability, and broad applicability and usability, and the UML as more mature object-oriented languages, combined the feature and actual situation of the community website, the UML is chosen to model and design, which has better superiority .For this reason, this article establish the research topic called "a society website system modeling and designing based on UML ". 

    Around the research objectives of this topic, this article mainly completed the following content:

    A) Analysis functions and the relationship of the community . Building the overall   frame of the website. THIS website system mainly covering the society membership management, membership management, membership registration and exchange online.

    2) Establish the requirements and the analysis of the society website system based on UML. Combined requirement to the employment of the society website system, mainly use case diagram to analyze and model the role and use cases of society website system to help the role of the website exchanging analysis and expressing.

    3) Detailed design each main function of the society website system .Specific analysis of each module functions and operational processes. Mainly using the activity diagrams and collaboration diagrams for community site features analysis and research, to help achieve each module site.

    Build a society website system based on UML technology. Using some society website system as the background, the result of the designing show that, according to the software modeling technology for web design and development, has finally achieved a user-friendly, interactive sound and powerful website system and provide better specification of the premise.

  1. 上一篇:社会舆情信息采集研究
  2. 下一篇:VB客房管理系统设计+源代码
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