

    毕业论文关键词  无线传感器网络;数据采集; 环境监测传感器


    Title    Data acquisition unit of environmental sensor    

    Abstract With the development of wireless sensor technology, its application scope has deep into the life. And it also has a broad application prospect. Especially in the aspect of environmental monitoring, with the help of the sensor network regulation of greenhouse unmanned monitoring system has been realized. There are many sensor networks node way of data collection, but every way has its own disadvantages. This paper introduces these methods and compares their advantages and disadvantages And this paper introduces the sensor’s network architecture and technical characteristics and requirements. With these sensors connected to the chip finally made a simple and easy environment monitoring sensor, and measure the environment with the sensor.

    Keywords  wireless sensor networks;data gathering;Environment monitoring sensor


    1  绪论 1

    1.1  传感器的简介 1

    1.2  传感器网络概述 1

    2  传感器传感器网络节点数据采集 3

    2.1数据采集的特点和要求 3

    2.2常见的数据采集技术 3

    2.3  本章小结 5

    3  无线传感器网络环境监测系统 6

    3.1  系统的特点 6

    3.2  系统的体系结构 6

    3.3  系统的关键技术 7

    3.4  本章小结 8

    4 温室测控系统 9

    4.1 温室测控技术的现状 9

    4.2 温室测控系统的功能特点 9

    4.3 温室测控的发展趋势 10

    5 环境监测器的传感器 10

    5.1 温湿度传感器 10

    5.2 光强传感器 12

    5.3 二氧化碳传感器 13

    5.4  模数转换芯片AD7705 15

    6 读取各传感器的协议实现 17

    6.1 温湿度传感器 17

    6.2 光强传感器 20

    6.3 二氧化碳传感器 23

    7 实验结果 25

    7.1 实验成果图 25

    7.2实验数据: 26

    结  论

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