


    Abstract:  Enterprises cannot do without the management of the enterprise, we all know that the success of corporate procurement department has been an indispensable part of an enterprise, the content of his work both for the leadership or staff are particularly important, as the building materials enterprises certainly need attention. So this time I want to develop and realize the system is for building materials enterprise procurement management, so that enterprise procurement management to achieve efficient, fast, convenient, orderly. However, it has been only used the traditional artificial way to manage the enterprise in every kind of warehouse goods and equipment, the management mode is not only low efficiency still exist many shortcomings, another time a long, will produce the massive documents and the data loss, this to find, update and maintenance has brought no small difficult.

    The Internet technology continues to improve and progress, the development of computer science is mature day after day, he brought a big miracle changes in turn the world upside down, also towards human civilization of science and technology, it will play an increasingly important role in every field of human society.

    Computers are used more and more in our life. Computers are much better managed than hand in many places. He is also in the procurement management manual management is not comparable. For example: easy to find. Large memory. There is easy to use. Under these big premise, we only use the computer to manage our enterprise or the procurement and the management warehouse. Can make a big difference for our company. Another is that the use of computers to manage first in labor costs can be saved. And once and for all. After the realization of the system will no longer have to spend more. Rather, we just do a good job in computer procurement management system. So we can make the company behind the operation of great convenience. And the confidentiality of the calculation is also very good. So many advantages. It is quite possible that we use computers to manage purchasing materials and warehouses. This system after my deliberation I decided to use VS2005 to complete the development of this system is the most commonly used development system development tools. I use the SQL2005 database system to manage the important information and data in our purchasing system.

  1. 上一篇:ASP.NET+Sqlserver旅店管理系统设计
  2. 下一篇:ASP.NET的大学校园宿舍管理系统设计与实现
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