    (1) 在ORACLE中设计了若干表,用来存放医嘱信息等;
    (2) 设计实现了一个简单的移动查房系统;
    (3) 使用Sencha Touch,美化了界面,提供了大量的触摸事件,大大提高用户体验;
    (4) 使用MVC的框架,使得程序有耦合性低、重用性高。

    关键词:HTML5 ; 信息系统 ; 跨平台 ;MVC ;

    Research and Realization of Information Systems Based on HTML5 Technology
    Abstract:With the continuous progress of science and technology, especially smart platform share more and more, as well as the popularity of mobile networks, multi-platform compatible information management systems more and more attention. And because of its cross-platform HTML5 features in the mobile device for creating cross-platform applications play an increasingly important role.
    This topic introduces HTML5-based technology to build the information system, first studied HTML5, Sencha, MVC framework and other related technologies. Especially the MVC framework and B / S structure conducted in-depth research, combined with medical needs that may arise rounds, designed and implemented based on a simple. HTML5 mobile rounds system.
    Work and achievements of this thesis are:
    (1)In ORACLE designed a number of tables used to store prescription information.
    (2)Design and Implementation of a simple mobile rounds systems
    (3)Using Sencha Touch, beautify the interface, providing a large number of touch events, greatly improving the user experience.
    (4)Using the MVC framework, making procedures have low coupling, high reusability.
    Keywords: HTML5; Information Systems; cross-platform; MVC;
    摘要    ii
    Abstract    ii
    目录    iv
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 研究背景    1
    1.2 国内外研究现状与水平    1
    1.3 发展趋势    1
    1.4 论文的研究思路与论文结构    2
    1.5 本章小结    2
    2 技术背景    3
    2.1 SENCHA TOUCH的简介    3
    2.2 SENCHA TOUCH的特性    3
    2.3 SENCHA TOUCH的组成    4
    2.3.1 ExtJS    4
    2.3.2 jQTouch    4
    2.3.3 Raphael    4
    2.4 SENCHA TOUCH的优点    4
    2.5 HTML5简介    5
    2.6 HTML5的沿革    6
    2.7 MVC框架    7
    2.7.1 MVC 简介    7
    2.7.2 架构内容    7
    2.7.3 优点    8
    2.7.4 缺点    9
    2.7.5 框架模式和设计模式的区别    10
    2.8 本章小结    10
    3 基于HTML5移动医生查房需求分析    11
    3.1 移动医生查房系统的背景    11
    3.2 编写目的    11
    3.3 移动查房系统功能需求分析    11
    3.3.1 数据同步    12
    3.3.2 病人信息存储    12
    3.3.3 病人信息检索    12
    3.4 本章小结    12
    4 系统设计    13
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